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How to be God

(at the risk of sounding sacrilegious)

(...hear me out...)

Who is God?


Whoever or whatever God might otherwise be, let's stipulate that God is a being who creates, causes, or chooses that whatever is is exactly the way She chose it to be. Which also means that He creates, causes, or chooses anything that is not to be that it is not.


Who are you now?


If you are a being you thinks that things should not be the way God has chosen them to be, then it is clear that you are not being like God. If you are a being who thinks that you should be better or you should not be the way you are, then you are not being like God since She chose you to be the way you are right now.


Who could you be?


Imagine that somehow you let go of fighting with reality (the way things are). Let's imagine that you began to accept things exactly the way they are and exactly the way they are not, including your desire to play games to see if you might be able to change some of those things.


Let's imagine you begin to see that acceptance and surrender to the way that things are and are not does not seem to be any different than choosing things to be the way they are and are not.​


And then you begin to realize that it doesn't look or feel any different to say that you choose things to be the way they are and are not than to say that you create and cause things to be as they are and as they are not.


Finally, you know that when you are being this way, you are indistinguishable from a being that is God.


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