
⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ Through every step along the way, you've got the tools to seize the day
14m 24s

We'll get your problem solved one way or the other. Open this door

The wars, battles, and skirmishes
The ongoing wars, battles, and skirmishes between the Now and Next constitute the most fundamental problem of humanity. See Now and Next for a full depiction of the carnage this creates.
Creating peace and cooperation within by creating Now-Next Integrity
The tools in this toolkit, singly and in combination, create peace and cooperation between Now and Next. They support and maintain Now-Next Integrity.
Two types of integrity
Total integrity consists of two fundamental types: NNI and OOI (Oneself-Others integrity) working together. NNI is more fundamental than OOI since achieving OOI is more problematic unless you have first achieved some level of Now-Next Integrity. Creating and maintaining both types often requires unresisting your fear and choosing courage.
You can find all the tools for NNI Integrity on this page, as well as the FFI toolkit, for Frightened-Fearless Integrity, and the NFS toolkit, which covers integrity issues regarding nutrition, fitness, and sleep.
Every tool in the NNI toolkit is also a tool in the OOI toolkit (yet is not explicitly included there).
Check out this list of common conflicts between Now and Next to know the full depth of our lack of integrity.
The tools to support Now-Next Integrity flow out of answering the fundamental question, "How can Now and Next both be agreeable and happy (in a given context)?" The following links detail the various tools that you can use to create and maintain this integrity.
Problems that will disappear
The following issues (problems) will be minimized or more likely disappear as you create and maintain Now-Next integrity.
Lack of persistence (giving up when it would be better not to give up)
Getting distracted
Lack of patience
Feeling pressured
Feeling overwhelmed
Breaking promises with yourself
Not eating for energy, health, and good weight
Not keeping physically fit
Not staying well-rested, with enough sleep
Breaking promises with others
Resistance to planning and goal setting
Not following through on your plans
Not having enough time
Not having enough money
Waiting for things to be over
Upset when you don't get a result you went for
Feeling things are taking too long
Getting discouraged
Feeling you're behind on things
Over promising
The urgent often pushing out the important
Not having time to take care of yourself
Feeling that life is meaningless
Feeling like it's never enough
Now-Next Integrity should be your #1 priority, right!?
Check out your current Now-Next integrity EQ:
The tools below will move your NNI EQ toward 100%
Prerequisite tools
100% Responsible (2:48)
Freedom to Adjust (3:27)
Keeper of the Moment: Now (3:12)
Life Is Your Buffet (3:02)
Power of Owning it All (3:17)
Two Problems, One Path (3:13)
Underpromising (3:19)
Worth Doing Badly (1:25)
Contextual tools
"Busy" is your problem (video 1:44)
"Confused about my job options" (video 24:28)
Expressions: I am Adventure (video 1:00)
Expressions: Worth Doing Badly (video 1:25)
Expressions: I am Surrender (video 2:00)
Expressions: I am a Playing Boy (video 1:40)
Expressions: 2025-Made Just for Me (video 3:39)
Expressions: I am Freedom (video 3:19)
Expressions: I am my Rebel (video 3:32)
Expressions: I am the Dancer (video 3:39)
Expressions: I am the Morning (video 3:26)
Expressions: I am Humerity (video 2:01)
"Goals are killing my happiness" (video 12:24)
"Helpful 'shoulds' and trolls" (video 26:19 Google Docs)
"Ignorance is bliss?" (video 25:42)
"I should be persistent" (video 17:44)
"I'm thinking but not doing" (video 14:49)
"Impulsive decisions cost me a lot" (video 19:55)
Learning from nature (sex, food, and orgasms)
Learning (easy, effective, and fun)
"Things should stay the way I like" (video 11:33)
You are Siamese twins (conjoined twins)
Nutrition, exercise, and sleep tools (essential for supporting Now-Next integrity)
Action tools (other than nutrition, exercise, and sleep)
"Acting for my dream is hard" (video 12:39)
"Beijing or Chengdu: I can't decide" (video 20:34)
Breakout 23 (a mini holiday)
Buffers (staying away from the cliffs)
Chutzpah Sales Approach (get the job you want)
"Confidence I lost for my dream" (video 19:55)
"Delaying the little stuff" (video 16:30)
"Details get dropped out" (video 15:58)
Expressions: I am the Delegator (video 2:50)
"Holidays should not end" (video 18:31)
"How to plan to get it all done?" (video 24:40)
"I am too busy" (video 16:06)
"I should listen to the teacher" (video 17:10)
"Michael wants to stop procrastinating" (video 17:48)
"Mistakes: I hate them!" (video 12:24)
"Money honey: I need more" (video 24:48)
"More money is what I have to have" (video 18:21)
"Procrastination is licking me" (video 10:51)
"Procrastination is my big problem" (video 16:09)
"Regret and Worry make me unhappy now" (video 26:16)
"Regret for all I did not do" (video 13:07)
"Scared to accept a promotion" (video 15:01)
Stephen Covey and the big rocks (video 10:05)
"Steven wants to be a successful non-smoker" (video 15:47)
"Too busy is my problem" (video 17:44)
Too much gratitude (video 4:30)
"Too tired to do what I want" (video 26:17)
Toxic words: maybe and perhaps (video 1:33)
Toxic words: doing your best (video 1:26)
"Tracy wants tips for giving a presentation to middle school students about their future" (video 24:32)
Undoing guilt (and self-criticism, regret, or remorse -with audio 3:02)
Whine list (change your mood)