
⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ Through every step along the way, you've got the tools to seize the day
14m 24s

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Special notes
This section is new as of January 6, 2021.
Videos will be added regularly from my archive.
Many videos are from 2016-18 or before.
Sometimes in these videos I use some retired terminology, for example I use "I-Now" to mean "my Now" and "I-Next" to mean "my Next."
I also will refer to a "video book." The video book was called "easyselfishmoral." Many of the following videos are borrowed from that book.
For those AskDwightHow users who prefer videos over text, this link is created especially for you.
Check back here regularly to discover the latest additions.
All videos
3 minutes is 150 minutes for fitness (October 28, 2022)
3 minutes a day to prepare your berries and fruits (video) (May 12, 2020 for 2:20)
15 minutes to cook enough health food for 3 days (video) (March 18, 2020 for 12:33)
150 seconds to (messily) prepare a great meal (video) (March 18, 2020 for 2:29)
99-year dynamic diorama (April 28, 2020 for 1:57)
"Acting for my dream is hard" (January 8, 2023 for 12:39)
Am I the supplement king? (April 15, 2021 for 8:47)
Are you loving your job? (December 15, 2016 for 1:03)
Are you too influenced by others? (September 30, 2015 for 2:56)
Avoiding doctors is the best way to go (May 22, 2023 for 11:03)
Baby hits Dwight (February 20, 2023 for 1:51)
Beans are the means to health (April 5, 2021 for 4:47)
"Beijing or Chengdu: I can't decide" (December 11, for 20:34)
"Better at being interviewed" (March 12, 3023 for 21:26)
Better times 11 than a milkshake (October 30, 2022 for 1:36)
Bogota healthy green smoothie (February 18, 2023 for 3:01)
"Boss did a bait and switch" (March 3, 2023 for 25:25)
"Busy" is your problem (February 16, 2017 for 1:44)
Celebrating divorce (September 21st, 2015 for 2:14)
Children's Fairy Land (April 6, 2021 for 12:37)
"Cindy meets a bad man" (November 5th, 2023 for 15:18 > Google Docs video)
Come dance with me (February 5, 2021 for 0:50)
Competition for victimhood (May 27, 2020 for 2:22)
Confused: a toxic word (April 13, 2017 for 1:31)
"Confidence I lost for my dream" (April 12, 2023 for 19:55)
"Confused about my job options" (March 13, 2023 for 24:28)
"Control my unreasonable desire" (February 2, 2023)
Courage or results: which is primary? (May 4, 2017 for 2:07)
Courage to accept a lie (January 20, 2017 for 1:43)
Courage to be accommodating (April 3, 2017 for 2:11)
Courage to be assertive (May 3, 2017 for 1:54)
Curiosity about lying (January 18, 2017 for 1:43)
"Daily routines are so boring" (May 12, 2023 for 20:39)
Dance with the Witch Doctor (March 4, 2021 for 0:36)
Dancers around the world-1 (July 16, 2021 for 4:52)
Dancers around the world-2 (July 16, 2021 for 6:54)
Dancing into my Visions (January 6, 2021 for 0:43)
Dancing with the Cinnamon Girl (August 13, 2021 for 0:19)
Danger: kindness, charity, and love (September 17, 2015 for 1:54)
"Daughter should not be rebellious" (April 9, 2023 for 25:43)
"Delaying the little stuff" (December 2nd, 2023 for 16:30)
"Details get dropped out" (May 26, 2023 for 15:58)
"Did I make the wrong choice?" (February 17, 2023 for 16:49)
"Dog bites little girl" (October 21st, 2023 for 20:08)
"Divorce: it should be fair" (December 25, 2022 for 32:34)
Don't give a fuck: do nothing (September 4, 2022 for 0:50)
Double standard against yourself (August 3, 2015 for 1:43)
Dressing for a fully healthy belly (October 26, 2022 for 3:11)
Drinking healthy water (May 27, 2021 for 3:45)
Drugs (December 15, 2016 for 1:18)
Dwight goes to India (February 8, 2023 for 1:08)
Dwight Quixote of La Mancha (March 21, 2023 for 2:07)
Dwight the Bumblebee (March 23, 2021 for 0:22)
Dwight the Rebel Rouser (March 9, 2021 for 1:23)
Easy peasy beans (May 26, 2021 for 2:02)
Eating for health is an NNI issue (December 15, 2016 for 2:09)
Eight minutes to heaven and health (March 21, 2022 for 8:21)
Enter this VR exercise app for integrity (December 30, 2021 with three videos)
"Empathy is burning me out" (December 18, 2022 for 21:14)
"Even as a doctor, is life meaningful?" (January 1, 2022 for 26:43)
Expectations are toxic and unneeded (September 9, 2015 for 2:33)
"Expressing myself is difficult" (April 9, 2023 for 19:08)
Extraordinary Attorney Woo (March 1, 2023 for 1:15)
Factbeliefs and Fatebeliefs (January 3, 2017 for 3:36)
Fairness: how attached are you? (February 3, 2021)
"Fear of exams and a new city" (December 23, 2022)
First time user (revised March 5, 2021)
Five-minute health out (new October 23, 2022)
Four steps of courage (new August 6, 2021)
"Friends think my silence means YES" (new June 9, 2023)
Gangnam styles a la Dwight (new January 18, 2023)
Getting smart about ethics (April 20, 2017 for 1:18)
"Goals are killing my happiness" (April 14, 2023 for 12:24)
Government is like the weather (December 2, 2022 for 36:02)
Groats will float your boats (September 8, 2021 for 2:34)
Happy as 1800? The New Ethics (January 3, 2017 for 1:05)
"Hard choice: Good man or true man" (February 19, 2023 for 12:23)
"Help me with my procrastination!" (February 7, 2017 for 20:30)
"Helpful 'shoulds' and trolls" (November 4th, 2023 for 26:19 > Google Docs video)
"Holidays should not end" (April 11th, 2023 for 18:31)
"How to plan to get it all done?" (April 1, 2023 for 24:40)
How my mother was a victim of my father (April 13, 2017 for 2:20)
How to get a job quickly and easily (September 1, 2015 for 3:10)
"How to get others to share openly" (December 30, 2022)
How virtues are not really virtues (to me) (February 9, 2017)
Interviewed by Clint Lee (January 17, 2020 for 33:33)
An introduction to the New Ethics (November 11, 2016 for 4:07)
"I am too busy" (May 23, 3034 for 16:06)
"I should be persistent" (March 27, 2023 for 17:44)
"I should listen to my teacher" (January 1, 2023 for 17:10)
"I want to control my emotions" (December 11, 2022 for 18:24)
"Ignorance is bliss?" (September 2nd, 2023 for 25:42)
"Impulsive decisions cost me a lot" (March 17, 2023 for 19:55)
"I'm thinking but not doing" (April 28, 2023 for 14:49)
Is a science of ethics possible? (April 20, 2017 for 1:39)
Is self-discipline really a virtue? (February 8, 2017 for 3:45)
It's too simple and too silly (September 10, 2015 for 1:55)
Junk-food-tasty shake is healthy (June 15, 2015 for 2:16)
Just and unjust, fair and unfair (January 3, 2017 for 1:15)
Kids: who we really are (May 7th, 2024 for 1:18)
"Kalin wants mother's understanding" (June 11, 2023 for 19:45)
Keeping fit in 3 minutes a week (September 7, 2021 for 1:07)
Knowledge, courage, and enjoying the process (May 3, 2017 for 2:08)
"Lazy to think about some things" (June 3, 2023 for 26:57)
Listening cf. obeying (February 18, 2017)
"Lonely in the big city" (February 26, 2023)
Loony tunies: Dwight the believer (December 27, 2022)
Make "breakfast" in 3 minutes (January 20, 2021 for 3:08)
Milkshake heaven: quick, healthy, yummy (June 8th, 2024 for 2:17)
"Mistakes: I hate them!" (December 21, 2022 for 12:24)
Mobile phone mania: Tracy's problem (December 13, 2022 for 20:26)
"Money honey: I need more" (December 8, 2023 for 24:48)
"More money is what I have to have" (May 28th, 2023 for 18:21)
Most problems are two problems (August 28, 2015 for 2:46)
"My mother will die: it's terrible" (December 25, 2022 for 17:02)
"My boss tells me what to wear" (February 23, 2023 for 15:18)
"My husband should be ambitious" (March 26, 2023 for 23:19)
Multi-tasking with WBV (June 12, 2018 for 0:10)
My meanings of good and bad (December 1, 2016 for 0:51)
Non-stop altruism (April 13, 2017 for 3:01)
Old Ethics of Sacrifice (December 8, 2016 for 2:17)
One-sided selfishness: how to respond (August 28, 2015 for 1:53)
"Over explaining myself" (November 21, 2023, for 20:49)
"Parents try to tell me what to do" (August 20, 2023 for 15:19)
Passion first, how/results second (September 17, 2015 for 2:36)
Peppy Princess (March 7, 2018 for 0:11)
"Peaceful home with teenage daughter?" (May 28, 2023 for 21:51)
"People won't give me an opportunity" (February 14, 2023 for 20:16)
Perfectionistic standards (October 2, 2015 for 1:47)
Power of Now (May 11, 2021 for 9:01)
"Procrastination is licking me" (April 8, 2023 for 10:51)
"Procrastination is my big problem" (December 11, 2022 for 16:09)
Purpose of Life (February 8, 2017 for 1:17)
"Regret and Worry make me unhappy now" (April 28, 2023 for 26:16)
"Regret for what I did not do" (May 19, 2023 for 13:07)
Respect: not about status (April 20, 2017 for 4:30)
"Riki's not sleeping" (November 15, 2023 for 7:00)
"Riki says, 'My friend feels tired of the idea of getting to know a new woman.'" (January 20, 2024 for 9:54)
"Riki asks, 'Should I tell my friend she's not marrying a good man?'" (January 25, 2024 for 15:30)
"Saying no: a short tutorial" (June 11, 2023 for 22:07)
Screaming (April 21, 2021 for 1:49)
Self-sufficiency: a bad idea (September 10, 2015 for 3:20)
Silly guy is a believer (May 19, 2021 for 0:51)
Sloppy, tasty, quick, healthy (June 18, 2021 for 5:37)
Smokey and Dwight do Hello Hello (January 25, 2023 for 1:06)
"Scared to accept a promotion" (March 19, 2023 for 15:01)
"Scared to lose my job" (March 29, 2023 for 26:09)
Smokey breaking up with me? (April 3, 2023 for 1:24)
Snap, crackle, pop (June 14, 2024)
"Soulmate: how to find him?" (February 3, 3023 for 16:37)
Stephen Covey and the big rocks (March 23, 2022 for 10:05)
Sticking to your plans (December 15, 2016 for 1:53)
Stranger Danger?! (April 23, 2023 for 5:43)
Healthy, super fast green smoothie (May 30 2023 for 4:36)
Super meal in 6 minutes (January 20, 2021 for 6:02)
Temper tantrum by Dwight (June 16, 2021 for 0:05)
"Things should stay the way I like" (August 26, 2023 for 11:33)
This is who I am (January 14, 2014 for 10:00)
Time and money buffers (December 20, 2016 for 1:57)
"Too busy is my problem" (May 28, 2023 for 17:44)
Too much gratitude (November 7, 2022 for 4:30)
Too much safety is your problem (September 17, 2015 for 1:51)
"Too tired to do what I want" (January 27, 2023 for 26:17)
Tortilla Splurge Burger (October 25, 2024 for 1:00)
Tour of my home with Barty Lin 1 of 2 (May 10, 2021 for 16:00)
Tour of my home with Barty Lin 2 of 2 (May 10, 2021 for 15:55)
Toxic word: busy (February 22, 2017 for 1:44)
Toxic word: comfortable (April 13, 2017 for 1:15)
Toxic word: forgive (May 3, 2017 for 3:48)
Toxic words: giver and taker (April 27, 2017 for 1:01)
Toxic word: have a right (April 27, 2017 for 1:14)
Toxic word: lazy (December 15, 2016 for 1:00)
Toxic words: doing your best (April 13, 2017 for 1:26)
Toxic words: hard and difficult (December 28, 2016 for 1:22)
Toxic words: have to and must (January 3, 2017 for 1:32)
Toxic words: maybe and perhaps (December 20, 2016 for 1:33)
Toxic Words: Those Big Six (December 15, 2016 for 1:11)
Toxic words: weird and strange (January 3, 2017 for 1:00)
Toxic words: what are they? (December 20, 2016 for 1:57)
Undoing stress (December 15, 2016 for 1:11)
Unfighting with Reality: Byron Katie (May 18, 2017 for 5:59)
Wash your mouth: six toxic words (December 15, 2016 for 1:12)
What does lazy mean? (December 15, 2016 for 1:05)
What the forK?! (November 8, 2022 for 0:59)
Why aren't you more friendly? (September 25, 2015 for 1:36)
"Withdraw or fight: both feel bad" (February 19, 2023 for 20:08)