
⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ Through every step along the way, you've got the tools to seize the day
14m 24s

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Quiz: what is your Life EQ?
This 25-question quiz shows you
how much room you have for improvement
What does my score mean?
This test is the quickest way to measure of how much better your life could be. It also tells you how much value you could get from using this site regularly toward creating that life (see 14.24: The Key to you Life). Note: take the following interpretations lightly and create your own assessment of their relevance.
The main value of this site for you is to fine-tune (and learning different perspectives) of what you already know about living a great life. If you are a counselor, life or business coach, manager, teacher, or other similar profession, by exploring this site, you will better serve those who learn from you.
Since you already know and practice the value of personal growth and development, AskDwightHow provides you with an easy, reliable way to put that special "icing on the cake." Dig in!
Although in the game of life, the master always knows there's more to have fun learning, you're an advanced journeyman. You'll enjoy learning some new juicy stuff in AskDwightHow.
Life's not bad. But you still get tripped up by a number of recurring issues. They could be in the areas of worry, stress, procrastination, getting distracted, and having too much on your plate. Or you may have noticed patterns in your relationships with others that leave much to be desired.
Although you may not realize it, you're doing better than most people. Most of us are pretty good at "looking good for others" or even avoiding self-awareness of our recurring life issues. AskDwightHow is going to be a boon for you. If you ensure that you do 14:24 most days (see 14.24: The Key to your Life and Kickstarting a Mental Habit), step-by-step you'll become amazed at how much easier and better your life will become.
I'm so happy you found AskDwightHow. I'd love to be your partner (through this site) to support you with the insights you need to turn your life around (see Are you Going in the Wrong Direction?). I designed this site to provide you that support from just the place you find yourself in life right now. You're in the perfect place to start. Remember, it's all step by step.
The lower the percentage of your score, the more this site has to offer you. However, because of your lower score, you may have to work yourself through a catch-22. This site can work wonders for you, but not overnight. And you may easily get discouraged if things don't appear to be working right away. A central focus of AskDwightHow is learning how to enjoy the process of whatever your doing, regardless of whether you get results right away. If needed, you might consider under promising regarding the time you spend each day on this site. And make sure you use Kickstarting a Mental Habit to support you. Also focus on having fun with this site. Don't be so "serious" about it, okay?!
Read the recommendations for 31-40%. The same would apply for you. And you might need to focus more on creating self-compassion for yourself, regardless of your ups and downs, starts and stops. Also, ensure that you have some structures in place (external to your own memory) to bring you back to AskDwightHow, even when you may drop it out for a while.
For you (and actually for everyone), if you have any questions or difficulties in negotiating or understanding my site, send me a message. You'll find an easy feedback form at the bottom of every link. Or you can always email me at
You have the most to gain and change of anyone. Somehow you've kept going until now. That's amazing. It can only get easier. Step by step. Keep yourself in the game of using AskDwightHow. Ask assistance of others in the process, if you can.
Another quiz to have fun with (and learn something from)
Check out the Courage IQ test.
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Acknowledgements for this quiz:
Daniel Patterson created the HTML code (
P.S. Some very strict ad blockers may prevent you from getting your score. You cannot get your score unless you answer every question.