14m 24s
We'll get your problem solved one way or the other. Open this door
OOI toolkit
ways to create and maintain
Oneself-Others Integrity
The wars, battles, and skirmishes
The ongoing wars, battles, skirmishes, and generally adversarial relationship between Oneself and Others constitute the second most fundamental problem of humanity. See Oneself and Others for a full depiction of the carnage this creates.
The tools in this toolkit, singly and in combination, create peace and cooperation between Oneself and Others. They create Oneself-Others Integrity.
Special note: Oneself-Others Integrity is comprised of two sub-integrities: Express-Emage Integrity and Selfish-Service Integrity. Future enrichments will tease out these distinctions and the tools to address them in the EEI toolkit and SSI toolkit. For now, these differences will not be further distinguished.
The following issues or problems will be minimized or more likely disappear as you create and maintain Oneself-Others Integrity.
Problems that will disappear
Feeling that others take advantage of you
Feeling that others don't appreciate you and what you've done for them
Feeling guilty when others blame you (or might blame you)
Regretting or feeling guilty about your past
Feeling like you can't trust others
Being upset with others when they don't meet your expectations
Feeling betrayed by another
Thinking that others don't give you what you deserve
Feeling resentment towards others
Blaming others
Not living a life true to yourself
Difficulties in saying "no"
Difficulties in making requests
Difficulties in setting and maintaining good boundaries with others
Difficulties in removing your mask and being authentic
Difficulties in expressing appreciation to others
Not feeling listened to or understood
Not feeling respected
Not feeling liked or loved
Not feeling supported by others
Difficulties in listening to others
Difficulties in being patient with others
Difficulties in creating and maintaining mutually enjoyable conversations with others
Difficulties in resolving conflicts with important people in your life
Difficulties in under promising to others
Difficulties in not keeping your promises to others
Feeling defensive with others
Feeling alone or loneliness
Feeling pressured by others
Feeling intimidated by others
Oneself-Others integrity should be a #1 priority, right!?
Check out your current Oneself-Others integrity EQ:
The tools below will move your OOI EQ toward 100%
Prerequisite tools
Contextual tools
Competition for victimhood (video 2:12)
"Dog bites little girl" (video 20:08)
I'm never trying to improve myself (video 1:06)
Marine Corps bootcamp battalion commander calls on Private Minkler-1966
"My husband should be more ambitious" (video 23:19)
Non-stop altruism (video 3:01)
Toxic Words: Those Big Six (video) (video 1:11)
Actions tools
"Better at being interviewed" (video 21:26)
"Boss did a bait and switch" (video 25:25)
Chutzpah Sales Approach (get the job you want)
"Cindy meets a bad man" (video 15:18 Google Docs)
Dead but not gone (atheists included)
"Empathy is burning me out" (video 21:14)
"Expressing myself is difficult" (video 19:08)
"Friends think my silence means YES" (video 22:01)
"Hard choice: good man or true man" (video 12:23)
"Helpful 'shoulds' and trolls" (video 26:19 Google Docs)
"How to get others to share openly" (video 21:38)
"I want to control my emotions" (video 18:24)
"Lonely in the big city" (video 1910)
My car mechanic never returns my car on time and it's okay with me-1987
"My mother will die: it's terrible" (video 17:02)
"My boss tells me what to wear" (video 15:18)
"Over explaining myself" (video 20:49)
"Parents try to tell me what to do" (video 15:19)
"Riki asks, 'What can I do? My girlfriend keeps obsessing over her ex-boyfriend.'" (video 7:26 Google Docs)
"Riki asks, 'Why am I reluctant to call my old friend?'" (video 6:17 Google Docs)
"Riki asks, 'Why do I get tired talking with my others friends, but I get energy talking with you?'" (video 17:28 Google Docs)
"Riki says, 'I shouldn't rely on others.'" (video 13:29 Google Docs)
"Riki worries, 'I wonder what they're thinking of me?" (video 14:25 Google Docs)
"Saying no: a short tutorial" (video 22:07)
"Scared to lose my job" (video 26:09)
"Sophie believes she is not so excellent and is concerned she won't have a good future" (video 22:13)
Stranger Danger?! (video 5:43)
Undoing guilt and self-criticism, regret, or remorse (audio 3:02)
"Withdraw or fight: both feel bad" (video 20:08)