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Undoing shoulds: You and Your Machinery

Until You distinguish You from Your machinery

(which is adept at impersonating You),

Your power to step into the world of freedom

outside your HOGAB will be limited.


YOU need YOUR machinery and YOU are not YOUR machinery


You have a mobile phone. But you are not Your mobile phone. Having a mobile phone is nice and helpful.


You have a hand. But you are not your hand. Having your hand is often very helpful.


You have blood coursing through your arteries. But you are not the blood coursing through your arteries. Having your blood is essential. 


You have automatic feelings. But you are not Your automatic feelings. Having automatic feelings is essential.


You most often speak and think automatically. But you are not your automatic speaking and thinking. Being able to think and speak automatically is essential.


Anything that is automatic is not who YOU are.

You have all of that. All of that automatic stuff is important. You could not function without it.

The machinery of YOUR mind is an imposter

But it pretends to be YOU. And it believes it is you. But it isn’t.


Your machinery has an automatic thought that says, “I am hungry.” Your machinery believes that you were the one who thought that thought, but you didn’t think that thought; Your machinery did. It is masquerading as you.


Your machinery automatically thought and said, “I am worried about my future.” Your machinery believes that it is you when it thought, felt, and said that. Your machinery believes that you are worrying about your future. But you are not the thinker of that thought and not the worrier. Your machinery is the thinker of that thought and your machinery is the worrier.


Who are YOU?


You are the self-knowing conscious Observer and Chooser.

Observer, Hearer, Feeler

First, before you are the Chooser, you are the Observer. 

You are the one watching the movie. You are not the movie. 

You are the hearer of others speaking. You are not others speaking.

You are the hearer of your machinery's thoughts. You are not your machinery and not its thoughts.

You are the watcher of your machinery's mental images. You are not those images.

You are the feeler of your machinery's feelings. You are not those feelings.

When You watch your machinery, Your machinery will automatically think or feel things in response to You watching it and what it does. You are not those thoughts and feelings that your machinery automatically thinks and feels when you watch it thinking and feeling those things when you are watching it all.

Observe, watch, hear, and feel.

Watch Now and Next either fighting or trying to work together. Watch Oneself and Others either fighting or trying to work together.


If you watch dispassionately, if you watch with curiosity, if you watch with compassion, then it is YOU that is watching. If You are watching from the position of Now or Next or Oneself or Others, then it is not You watching. It's your machinery watching. You can watch your machinery watching.

If you are criticizing and upset with the machinery, that is the machinery criticizing itself. That is not YOU. If you feel sad or discouraged about the machinery, that is the machinery feeling sad or discouraged about the machinery. That is not YOU.

You are the Observer, Hearer, and Feeler. You are this because, with self-reflective consciousness, You choose to be the Observer, Hearer, and Feeler. When you don't choose this, then your machinery will take over the job of pretending to be you until you choose again to be the Observer, Hearer, and Feeler.



As you choose to be the observer, you will also be the observer of you, which your machinery does not have the habit to observe. You then have the option to choose an action or thought that is not currently being automatically chosen by your machinery. With self-reflective consciousness, You can choose an action or thought that is not automatic.

For example, You can choose to take Your machinery through the undoing fear process, which is not yet your machinery's habit. Or you could choose to lead your machinery in initiating the Partnership Conversation with someone, which is not yet Your machinery's habit. You can choose to ask yourself the question, "How could my Now and my Next both be happy in this circumstance?" You can choose this when it is not yet the habit of Your machinery to do this.


Beyond history and machinery

As long as You do not distinguish yourself from your machinery, then history will be Your destiny. After You notice that You are not your machinery and after You start making self-reflective conscious choices, at least from time to time, to observe your machinery and to step-by-step play with your machinery with curiosity and compassion, then your future and present lies before You as you create and invent yourself moment by moment and day by day.

Welcome to YOU.

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