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Whole Body Vibration:

The Future of Good Health

by Becky Chambers

After finishing this book in November of 2022, I wrote,


"Although I have reservations about Becky's restrictive recommendations for using just vertical vibration machines as well as some of her 'alternative' evidence of why whole body vibration exercise is so excellent, she does provide compelling scientifically-based evidence that demonstrates that WBV is 'the future of good health.'"


My clippings below collapse a 157-page book into eight pages, measured by using 12-point type in Microsoft Word.


See all my book recommendations.  


Here are the selections I made:


It seems so simple, but every cell and molecule in your body vibrates, leading to a cascade of effects so astounding that I am regularly met with, “It’s too good to be true!” It is true, though, and documented extensively by forty years of research. There are also millions of satisfied users worldwide, including top athletes such as Shaquille O’Neal and Trace Armstrong, sports franchises such as the Denver Broncos and Miami Dolphins, and celebrities such as Madonna, Clint Eastwood, and Tony Robbins.


Just like exercise, WBV increases your metabolism and muscle strength, both of which help you burn more calories and lose weight. Just as important, WBV raises serotonin levels; this has powerful antidepressant effects and improves mood and sleep.


Chapter 3 addresses the issue of bone density loss and WBV’s capacity to stimulate bone growth.


WBV rapidly raises the levels of two neurotransmitters, serotonin and norepinephrine, which boost your mood and energy levels—and a positive mood strengthens and invigorates your whole body, including your immune system.


In addition, exercise has been shown to be the most important factor for brain health, powerfully stimulating neural cell growth and strength.


Feeling a lack of energy and zest? WBV may be just what you need. Chapter 5 looks at the numerous physiological effects of WBV that increase energy, including rising levels of testosterone (linked to both men’s and women’s sexual libidos and energy levels). WBV also increases circulation, bringing nutrients and oxygen to all cells, and the antidepressant effect also sends new energy through your mind and body.


Chapter 6 focuses on three common casualties of aging: sex, beauty, and mobility. The rejuvenating effects of WBV on all three areas can be attributed in part to increasing human growth hormone, the body’s major repair, regrowth, and anti-aging hormone.


WBV has such a powerful effect on the lymphatic system, causing so much detoxification, that I suggest caution; start slow, with just a minute or two, and increase slowly. In this case, truly, less is more—but can you imagine an exercise system where the biggest problem is not to do too much?!


But what if exercising was so quick, enjoyable, relaxing, and conveniently located in your own home (or nearby) that it was the highlight of your day? If every day you could hardly wait to get to it, and you had to restrain yourself from doing too much? It is possible. Whole body vibration has arrived—and just in time! We are a nation and world in desperate need of the many life-changing benefits of WBV.


Ten minutes of WBV equals one hour of conventional weight lifting.


While the exact ratio does depend on which machine you use and how you use it (whether you work out or just stand on the plate), forty years of research and the devotion of thousands of professional athletes and elite users, including Shaquille O’Neil, Jane Fonda, Madonna, the Denver Broncos, and the Tennessee Titans, attest to WBV’s effectiveness.


Every muscle fiber will automatically tense and relax at the same rate that the machine is vibrating, usually twenty to fifty times per second.


That adds up to one thousand to three thousand little tiny “reps” per minute—much more work for your muscles than holding a position (static or isometric exercise) or typical repetition workouts.


One hundred percent of your muscles will be working, while in traditional exercises, only some of your muscles are engaged. For example, in a nonvibrating squat, only about 40 percent of your leg muscles are working, but if you a...

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Respondents reported a 25 percent increase in their strength and a 28 percent increase in energy within weeks of beginning their WBV program. Almost 20 percent reported increased strength within a few days, 49 percent within one month.


In 2019, my company, Vibrant Health, conducted a research survey[3] of our customers using Vibrant Health’s Power 1000 machine, which comes with a user manual containing my recommendations on how to use the machine. Ninety percent of the respondents to Vibrant Health’s survey were over fifty years of age, 62 percent were sixty to eighty years old. The survey included fifty-three respondents. The results were unequivocally positive. On average, respondents reported a 25 percent increase in their strength and a 28 percent increase in energy within weeks of beginning their WBV program. Almost 20 percent of respondents reported increased strength within a few days of beginning WBV, 49 percent within one month. (Complete survey results are available on my website, www.BCVibrantHealth. com, and in my new book, Whole Body Vibration for Seniors). 


A 2018 systematic review of eighteen research articles, with a combined total of 321 human subjects, looked at using WBV known to be related to obesity, such as heart health, peripheral and central circulation, glucose regulation, and inflammation levels.


The combined results of these studies led to the conclusion that “six to twelve weeks of WBVT in obese individuals generally led to a reduction in fat mass and cardiovascular improvements.”


The same review of obesity research mentioned earlier also reported a large decrease in fasting insulin levels, which is an indication of improving insulin and glucose metabolism, lowering the risk of insulin resistance, prediabetic and diabetic conditions, high blood sugar levels, and hyperglycemia.


The development and use of vibration in the 1970s allowed Russian cosmonauts to be in space twice as long as their nonvibrating American counterparts (approximately two hundred days versus one hundred days). More recently, a NASA website cited the effects of vibration on turkeys, sheep, and rats as “profound . . . promoting near-normal rates of bone formation”[21] under laboratory conditions simulating the zero gravity conditions of space flight.


A 2013 study of ninety women concluded that   strength increased as much as 16 percent in upper leg muscles, while bone density at the hip increased by 1.5 percent. In addition, the whole body vibration group showed an improvement in postural control and balance, increased muscle strength, and lean mass while losing body fat and fat mass. 


WBV provides . . . small high frequency signals to many areas and bones intensively, all at once, and with minimal effort. Just standing on a vibrating plate will cause all muscle fibers . . . to involuntarily contract and release twenty to fifty times per second


Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva, and Reclast achieve an increase in bone density by halting your body’s natural ability to reabsorb old and damaged bone.


Luckily, a healthy diet for building bone is the same diet that is healthy for every other part of you. A primarily plant based, whole-foods diet with small amounts of animal products if desired will make an enormous difference to your health.


Two neurotransmitters, serotonin and norepinephrine, have been shown to increase with WBV. Serotonin is a critical neurotransmitter in your brain that contributes to sounder sleep and feelings of mastery, pleasure, and relaxation.


Whole body vibration is a natural, safe, rapid, nonaddictive, and legal way to increase serotonin and norepinephrine


Research has shown that increases in testosterone levels[50] are linked to greater energy for men and women, as well as heightened libido and sexual performance (see chapter 6). Circulation also improves, which provides more nutrients and oxygen to all cells producing energy. And as the exercise and workouts increase muscle strength, so the whole body gains power and strength.


Using the Vibrant Health Power 1000 vibration machine, . . . 74 percent of those in pain reported a 52 percent drop in their pain level.


WBV increases circulation, thus attacking the root cause of cellulite and wrinkles.


The lymphatic system is a network of vessels, nodes, and organs that removes waste products and toxins from our bodies, and it is part of your immune system, which protects you against infection and disease. This system relies on passive circulation. In other words, unlike the blood vessels (which require a heart to pump the blood around the body), there is no pump for the lymph system. The lymph system relies on your muscles tightening and relaxing around the lymph vessels to move the lymph, a process called lymph drainage. To keep this system working well, it is important to be using your muscles regularly—another benefit of WBV!


For ease of use and total health, I recommend a single-motor vertical-vibration machine with its perfect synchronization and smooth motion.


Vibrant Health Power 1000:


Frequency range: 26–45 Hz Cost: $999


Vibrant Health Gentle 500:


Frequency range: 30–45 Hz Cost: $499


Relative Contraindications—meaning that with special care and treatment, these conditions can sometimes not be a hindrance to, and may even benefit from, WBV.   ♦ pregnancy ♦ epilepsy (very mild and not needing to be controlled with medications) ♦ minor migraines (mild, infrequent, and not needing to be controlled by medication) ♦ gallstones, kidney stones, bladder stones (WBV can help small stones move out of the body, but large ones may get stuck, potentially leading to severe problems.) ♦ articular rheumatism, arthrosis ♦ acute rheumatoid arthritis ♦ heart failure ♦ cardiac dysrhythmia ♦ cardiac disorders (post-myocardial infarction [heart attack]) ♦ metal or synthetic implants (e.g., pacemaker, artificial cardiac valves, recent stents, or brain implants) ♦ chronic back pain (after fracture, disc disorders, or spondylosis) ♦ severe diabetes mellitus with peripheral vascular disease or neuropathy ♦ tumors (excluding metastases in the musculoskeletal system) ♦ spondylolisthesis without gliding ♦ movement disorders: Parkinson’s disease, MS, cerebral palsy, and others ♦ chondromalacia of the joints of the lower extremities, osteonecrosis ♦ arterial circulation disorders ♦ venous insufficiency with ulcus cruris ♦ Morbus Sudeck Stadium II (or complex regional pain syndrome [CRPS]) ♦ lymphatic edema ♦ postoperative wounds   Absolute contraindications—meaning do not use any WBV device at all if you have any of the following or if you have any concerns about your physical health!


Note: conditions for which absolutely no vibration can be tolerated—such as broken bones, recent joint replacements and implants, and others—be aware that vibration will travel through wooden floors. In these cases, do not sit or stand next to a powerful vibrating plate. Cement floors are safe, as very little vibration will transmit through cement.   ♦ acute inflammations, infections, and/or fever ♦ large gallstones, kidney stones, bladder stones (large enough to potentially get stuck in narrow tubes on the way out of your body) ♦ acute arthropathy or arthrosis ♦ joint replacements: You must wait six months after a joint replacement before using WBV. After that time, WBV is okay; the vibration will then improve the bond of bone to metal or other synthetic material. ♦ bone fractures: For simple bone fractures, after six weeks it is okay to use WBV. For complex fractures or those involving implanted metal plates or screws, you must wait eight to twelve weeks before using WBV. Please consult with your doctor regarding your particular situation. ♦ acute migraine ♦ acute or severe epilepsy, (i.e., needs to be controlled with medication) ♦ retinal detachment (or a high risk of retinal detachment) ♦ fresh (surgical) wounds ♦ implants of the spine ♦ acute or chronic deep vein thrombosis or other thrombotic afflictions ♦ acute disc-related problems, spondylosis, gliding spondylolisthesis, or fractures ♦ severe osteoporosis with BMD less than 70 mg/ml (T-scores less than -3.9) ♦ spasticity (after stroke, spinal cord lesion, etc.) ♦ Morbus Sudeck Stadium I (CRPS I) ♦ tumors with metastases in the musculoskeletal system ♦ vertigo or positional dizziness ♦ acute myocardial infarction


Whole Body Vibration Training Basics   Goals   ♦ Minimum recommended usage (but work up to this slowly): five to ten minutes of vibration at mid-level frequency each day, but it is not a problem if you miss some days. It is great if you can work up to doing twenty minutes per day.   ♦ Maximum recommended usage: twenty to thirty minutes of vibration per day.   Basics   ♦To target different muscle groups, choose different positions from the pictures in this book or from the poster found on my website.   ♦Do each exercise position for thirty seconds to one minute, either holding the position (static, or isometric) or moving in and out of it (dynamic, or kinetic).   ♦Many benefits are achieved even if you only stand on the machine. In fact, standing upright on the plate is a great position for increasing bone density, as it helps to transmit the vibration throughout your body. So, even if you are too tired to work out, do stand or sit on your plate—relax and vibrate!   ♦Mid-level speed settings are optimal for muscle strengthening exercises. Higher speed settings are better for stretching and massage. The most important thing is just to do some vibration! Remember that all vibration works for strengthening, stretching and massage, lymphatic drainage, and other health benefits. 


Becky’s Slow and Gentle Beginner’s Program   DAY 1: Stand on your vibration machine (make sure you are using the proper type of machine) for thirty to sixty seconds at the lowest frequency or speed setting. WBV has very powerful effects on every part of your body, so I recommend starting with a very small amount of vibration on the first day to see how you respond. Watch and wait for twenty-four hours before trying any more vibration. As long as you feel the same or better the next day, you can increase the intensity of your next vibration session. Some people will be able to increase the amount of WBV much faster than other people. If you find that you are feeling better following the beginner’s program, you can try increasing your time and speed more rapidly.   DAY 2: Increase the time by thirty to sixty seconds, staying at the same low speed. More sensitive people should do the same amount of time for two to three days before increasing, and increase the time by only thirty seconds each session thereafter.


EACH FOLLOWING DAY (or every two to three days): Increase the time by thirty to sixty seconds, up to ten minutes, without increasing the speed.   ♦ When you get to ten minutes, drop the time down to three to four minutes and increase the speed one setting. Increase the time at this new speed following the same guidelines as above.   ♦ As you gradually increase the speed, one setting at a time, follow this same pattern of increasing the amount of time day by day. Continue to drop the time back down when you increase the speed setting.   Troubleshooting   ♦ If you feel worse in the twenty-four hours after your vibration session, try less time and/or frequency the next time. You can even rest a day and only vibrate two to three times per week. Another good way to slow down is to just sit next to the machine and put only your feet on the vibrating plate.   ♦ It is common to experience itching in some areas of the body, such as ears, nose, or feet, while vibrating. This may be due to increased circulation in that area, a release of toxins, or possibly some energy phenomenon. While this itching can be irritating, as long as it stops shortly after vibrating, it is harmless—a minor inconvenience in the process of healing.   ♦ It is also highly recommended to incorporate a healthy diet and natural supplements to help lower inflammation levels in your body. See the detoxification section in chapter 7 and the troubleshooting section in chapter 2. 


Advanced Program   After you have acclimated to WBV and built up your tolerance and strength, you can maximize the health and wellness workout benefits by following these training tips.   Whole body vibration exercise is much more intense than conventional exercises. Workout times can be drastically shortened; you can accomplish the same results in ten minutes that would take you sixty minutes with conventional exercise. This is true because WBV requires your body to constantly respond to the rapidly moving platform beneath you.   Four factors determine how effective and challenging your training sessions are:   1.   the frequency (rate of vibration) 2.   the position or posture you assume 3.   the amount of time you spend holding a given position 4.   the amount of weight you are supporting on the plate (if you want a more challenging workout, hold additional exercise weights)


Static versus Dynamic Exercises   Exercises can be done statically or dynamically. Static exercises are more appropriate for beginners or when starting to rehabilitate from an injury. Dynamic exercises are great if you are looking to make an exercise more challenging.   ♦ Static exercise: Holding a pose in a position without moving while the WBV machine is on ♦ Dynamic exercise: Moving while the WBV machine is on (e.g., doing push-ups or squats)


Progressive Training Plan   I recommend progressively phasing in the following elements to increase the difficulty of your workout. As your body adapts and grows stronger, you can continue to challenge yourself with these methods.   1.   Extend the time of each exercise. 2.  Reduce the rest period between exercises. 3.   Increase the number of sets per exercise. 4.   Perform exercise statically (standing still) then dynamically (moving). 5.   Add more challenging exercises. 6.  Increase the frequency (Hz). 7.  Incorporate unilateral exercises (perform exercise on one leg). 8.   Incorporate holding increasing amounts of additional weight.


Thirty Sample Exercise Positions, Massages, and Stretches


For pictures of many more suggested exercise positions, check my website at


For even more information, go to http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pubmed and use the search string “whole body vibration” to find hundreds of other research studies.


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