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March 19, 2022

Over $6000 to ship just a few boxes?!

Columbian Monomania-Episode 2

Some things about Colombia that you may not know (because I didn't)​


  • Healthcare in Colombia is both high quality and affordable. The World Health Organization (WHO) ranks Colombia's healthcare system as number 22 out of the 191 countries they review. That is better than Canada, which ranks number 30, and the U.S., which ranks number 37. There are many excellent hospitals and clinics located throughout Colombia that provide both general and specialized medical services. Half of the top 43 hospitals in Latin America are in Colombia (22 out of 43). The larger cities of Bogotá, Medellín, and Bucaramanga have hospitals which have received the Joint Commission International accreditation.

  • Colombia is the second most biodiverse country in the world, after only Brazil which is 10 times its size, and one of only 17 “megadiverse” countries. It has the highest amount of species by area in the world, including more species of bird than all of Europe and North America combined.

  • It is mandatory for radio and public television in Colombia to play the national anthem every day at 6 am and 6 pm. And how appropriate is that! Just at sunrise and sunset. In Medellin, the sunrise variation year-around is from 5:46 AM to 6:19 AM.

  • Colombia is the world’s leading source of emeralds. It is also the third-largest exporter of coffee in the world after Brazil and Vietnam.

  • There are more Spanish speakers in Colombia than in any other country in South America.

  • With only 2-3 weeks of vacation per year for the average Colombian worker, they were in need of some public holidays! With 18 government sanctioned holidays, most falling on Monday, the only country with more public holidays is India.

  • Colombia has 102 different indigenous groups. Some were living in Colombia 14,000 years ago.

  • Colombia has a coastline on both the Caribbean and the Pacific Ocean.

  • At 8,360 ft above sea level, Bogota is one of the highest major cities in the world. Water boils at 91.5 Celcius or 196.7 Fahrenheit.

  • Colombia has 60 national parks that cover over 10% of the country.

  • Colombia is more than twice the size of France or Spain and has the same length of coastline as the U.S. pacific coast. Basically, it’s a massive country. Luckily with its many public bus systems and chartered transport, it’s relatively easy to get around. It just takes some time. Get used to those long beautiful bus rides.


Maybe-move-to-Colombia vs. I-am-moving-to-Col0mbia


As you know from my post for March 12th, I was going to check Medellin and Bogota out to help me decide whether to move there.


That's still true. 


But I am now framing it differently. Barring the discovery of any deal-killers, I already have enough information to say, "I'm moving to Colombia."


But, like a good scientist or strategist, I will still be looking for new information that may argue against that decision. Should I find sufficient contrary information, then I prepared to do an about-face and enjoy staying in Kunming, China.


Will my flights still be good?


If I were flying out today, the answer might be "no." Shanghai has been on a COVID lockdown for 48 hours. I'll just have to wait and see but still proceed to prepare as if my flights will be fine on April 5th.


New luggage


I already had the two smaller pieces of luggage. But my larger luggage was a bit tattered. So I bought a larger matching piece for my checked luggage.


My making-friends poster sign


Since a stranger is just a friend I haven't met yet, everyone in Colombia is already my friend. This poster-sized sign will help some strangers discover that I am waiting to meet them, if they like. I selected the three colors from the Colombian flag.


Add me to your WhatsApp


China blocks WhatsApp. But Heidi got a workable VPN on my mobile. So now I have a WhatsApp account. Here's my QR code to scan. Or you can try my ID 8615398675712.



Over $6000 to ship just a few boxes! Do you know anything I don't know?


When I was moving to Japan in 1999, using USPS I was able to ship 27 boxes ahead of me to friends in Tokyo. Each box weighed about 20 kg. The by-the-slow-boat shipping charge for each was about $50 USD.


If I commission a 20-foot, 28-cubic-meter container to go from Kunming (via truck from my home to the ship) to Colombia (then via truck to my new home in Colombia), it's going to set me back around $15,000.


But after looking at what I really need to ship (acquiring new stuff like furniture and refrigerators in Colombia), it's about 15 boxes worth, which will fit in the smallest part of a shipping container that can be purchased, which is 4 cubic meters. Even though 4 cubic meters is 1/7th the space of the 28 cubic meters, it costs only about half as much at over $6000.


If I were able to find a way to ship individual 20-kg boxes for between $50-$100 as I did in 1999, it would only cost $750-$1500. 


Checking with China Post, it seems they will ship a 20kg box to the USA for $75, but will not ship to Colombia. I thought of shipping to the USA first and then re-shipping to Colombia. But it seems the USA will not ship 20-kg boxes to Colombia either. Perhaps the Colombian post office is so ramshackle, other international shippers will not risk it.


It seems that if you're shipping a lot of heavy stuff that will fill a container, you can get a decent price. I could get 140 20-kg boxes in that 28-cubic-meter container and that would come out to $107 per box. If I went for the full 40-foot container, I'm sure it would be even less per box.


But with the 4-cubic-meter purchase, it would cost me over $400 per box. It seems there is no reasonable price for shipping 20-kg boxes slowly and securely from China to Colombia.


I may just have to "suck it up" if I can't find some significantly lower prices since there is some personal stuff I really don't want to let go of. I am joking and not joking.


Do you have any knowledge or suggestions that might be helpful?

Start of Columbian Monomania

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