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For a better life, get better maps

We so much want to trust our map

Where do we get our life maps? We get them from our parents and other family members, from our peers, and from our teachers. We get them from our philosophers, our ministers, and our doctors. We get them from our media, our icons, and our bad guys. We get them from our language. 

All these maps come ready-made. Many maps contradict other maps. Maps come into style and go out of style. 

Don't change our maps

Many maps, as part of the map, create taboos about questioning the map. Maps try to protect themselves. They attempt to prevent competition by villainizing other maps or map systems. Almost all maps rely to some extent on the confirmation bias to keep itself from "changing too much."

It is a rare map that encourages the questioning of itself. Case in point. I had a rare mother when she always encouraged me to think for myself, which included thinking for myself even if it led to me questioning her. Although it may have made her uncomfortable, she respected that in me.

Fight with reality

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