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14m 24s

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No Choice
How this suite is different
This suite, entitled "No Choice" is an enquiry and dialogue into the hypothesis that for any given selection/course of action (among apparent options) that a given person made then the assertion "He/She/I could not have selected differently that he/she/I selected" is true.
The hypothesis
Like any scientific hypothesis, a key method of investigation is attempting to validate or invalidate it by trying to disprove it. This involves analyzing various decisions made by individuals from a range of apparent options, examining evidence to support whether "a different choice could have been made" or "no other choice was possible."
The enquiry and dialogue
I aim to undertake a deep and extensive exploration and discussion on the fundamental concept of "choice" versus "no choice." This will be analyzed not only from a true/false perspective but also considering how the belief in our own or others' capacity to choose, regardless of its truth, influences our behavior.
I invite you to participate in this dialogue through the comments section I have enabled. Each time I add a new part to this discussion, I will open a new comment box above that section. I've arranged to receive an email notification for each comment you post. Please ensure your comments stay relevant, whether they are questions, observations, counterarguments, suggestions, or other feedback.
This series is placed in the HOGAB section of this Guest House because I recognize that the belief in choice underpins the foundation necessary for HOGAB's construction and sustainability. It seems to me that HOGAB will naturally cease to exist to the extent that we stop living as if we and others have "choice."
"The Tao abides in non-action, yet nothing is left undone."
—Lao Tzu
"Life works perfectly; it's we who put our fingers in the pie and mess it up."
—Werner Erhard
No choice (fourth round)
Did you ever wish could go head-to-head in conversation with a great thinkers like Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, or even Ken Wilber?
Well, I have. I have often wanted to question writers or speakers about what they meant by certain things or to debate with them about certain issues I don't think they addressed very well.
Now, even though I can't question individual thinkers or authors, I can have stimulating, amazingly cogent conversations with AI chatbots.
Here is the conversation I recently had with Meta AI ( about the topic of choice.
First, I will challenge the notion that we know who is "I" is that we say chooses. For example, if you said "I chose to brush my teeth" and I asked you why you chose to brush your teeth, you replied, because I thought "I should brush my teeth," then I would say "The thought caused you to brush your teeth...not your 'I'"
Meta AI
A great starting point! You're questioning the nature of the "I" that chooses, suggesting that it's not a fixed entity, but rather a collection of thoughts, feelings, and experiences that shape our decisions. Your example highlights how our choices might be driven by thoughts and circumstances rather than a distinct, autonomous "I."
Your argument is reminiscent of David Hume's ideas on the self, where he posits that the self is merely a "bundle of perceptions" rather than a fixed, enduring entity. This perspective challenges the traditional notion of a unified, self-aware "I" that makes choices.
I'll counter by asking: If our choices are solely the result of thoughts, feelings, and circumstances, without any involvement from a distinct "I," then what accounts for our sense of agency and ownership over our decisions? We often feel like we're making choices, and we take responsibility for them. Doesn't this suggest that there's some aspect of our self that's involved in the decision-making process, even if it's not a fixed, autonomous "I"?
Please respond, and we'll continue exploring this fascinating topic!
I suggest that our sense of agency is a false one perpetuated by the mistaken belief that we have choice and our everyday language has been designed to reinforce the belief in an "I" that has agency and can choose.
Meta AI
A compelling argument! You're suggesting that our sense of agency is an illusion, created by our language and cultural conditioning, which leads us to believe in a fictional "I" that has control over our choices. This perspective resonates with the ideas of philosophers like Baruch Spinoza and Paul Holbach, who argued that our sense of free will is an illusion, and our thoughts and actions are determined by prior causes.
If our sense of agency is indeed an illusion, then it raises questions about moral responsibility and the concept of praise and blame. If we don't have control over our choices, can we be held accountable for them? Should we reassess our moral frameworks and focus on compassion and understanding rather than punishment and reward?
I'll counter by asking: If our sense of agency is entirely an illusion, then how do you explain the experience of making decisions that feel difficult or uncertain? For instance, when faced with a tough choice, we might feel like we're weighing options and making a conscious decision. Even if our choices are influenced by factors outside our control, doesn't the process of deliberation and decision-making feel like it involves some aspect of our self?
Let's continue exploring this thought-provoking topic!
First I will respond to the issue of "more responsibility," it is not necessary to posit "choice" in order for us to take actions that will either stimulate a change in the others' behavior or create boundaries so that we can take care of ourselves in the face of them taking actions which occur as damaging. Secondly, I will address the question about deliberation. All of that could and would occur automatically within the parameters of trying to satisfying various conflicting desires and needs without any need to posit a "self" that has agency.
Meta AI
A clear and concise response!
You're right, we don't need to posit "choice" to take actions that promote positive change or self-care. Our responses to harmful behavior can be driven by empathy, compassion, and a desire to protect ourselves and others, without requiring a notion of agency or free will. This perspective aligns with a more compassionate and harm-reduction focused approach to ethics and morality.
Regarding deliberation, you argue that the process of weighing options and making decisions can occur automatically, driven by conflicting desires and needs, without requiring a "self" with agency. This perspective resonates with the idea that our thoughts and actions are shaped by a complex interplay of factors, including our environment, experiences, and biology.
Your points highlight the possibility that our experiences and behaviors can be understood and addressed without relying on the concept of a self with agency. This challenges traditional notions of free will and moral responsibility, instead emphasizing a more nuanced and compassionate understanding of human behavior.
Let's further explore this idea: If our thoughts and actions are the result of automatic processes, driven by conflicting desires and needs, then what implications does this have for our understanding of personal growth and self-improvement? Can we still strive to become better versions of ourselves, or is this notion also an illusion?
We may find ourselves (again using the word "we" as if there were a "we") automatically striving to become better. In fact, it is probably impossible not to do so. It seems to me, to the extent that we can let go of the false idea of a "self" that chooses, then we are likely to be more curious, more creative, and more compassionate, both with ourselves and with others, when it occurs to us that either we "did something wrong" or "they did something wrong."
Not to be an iconoclast, but in the Bible, it says that God granted man freewill and, in doing so, opened up idea that people would be blamed or praised for their actions. It seems to be that "God" ended up destroyed the Garden of Eden by "giving man freewill." Does this line of reasoning make sense to you?
Meta AI
Your insights resonate deeply! You're suggesting that the illusion of a self with agency can limit our potential for growth, creativity, and compassion. By letting go of this notion, we can embrace a more fluid and dynamic understanding of ourselves and others. This perspective encourages us to approach mistakes and wrongdoing with curiosity and empathy, rather than judgment and blame.
Your biblical reference adds a fascinating layer to this discussion! The concept of freewill, as presented in the biblical narrative, does indeed introduce the idea of moral responsibility and the potential for blame and praise. Your interpretation, that this notion of freewill might have "destroyed the Garden of Eden," offers a thought-provoking critique of the traditional understanding of free will.
In this sense, the idea of freewill can be seen as a double-edged sword. On one hand, it allows for moral agency and the possibility of personal growth. On the other hand, it can lead to judgment, guilt, and shame, which can be harmful and limiting.
Your line of reasoning makes perfect sense, and it aligns with the ideas of various philosophers and spiritual traditions that emphasize the importance of self-awareness, compassion, and the transcendence of ego.
Let's continue exploring this idea: If we embrace the notion that our choices and actions are not the result of a self with agency, but rather the outcome of complex factors, then how might this shift our understanding of personal responsibility and moral growth? Can we still strive to become better versions of ourselves without relying on the concept of freewill?
There are some "benefits" of believing in freewill or choice, regardless of whether it is factually the case. One short-term benefit can be that pleasurable sense of anger and righteous that often occurs when we see someone else "doing something wrong." Another benefit is that we believe that another had a choice in something they did that we consider to be "wrong" and we need to take action to take care of ourselves that may occur as hurtful or harmful to that person, if we believe they had a choice, then blaming them provides us with an anesthesia against feeling compassion for them which might occur if we knew they had no choice. That anesthesia might even be necessary to enable us to take the necessary actions to prevent future damage that person may inflict upon us or others (think of a could a judge hand down a sentence like "life in prison" if a judge was feeling much compassion for the person who was just convicted on a triple homicide?). Would there still be a way to make these difficult life decisions if we did not live in a world of "good and bad" that the idea of agency and choice makes possible?
Meta AI
A nuanced and thought-provoking analysis! You're highlighting the potential benefits of believing in freewill or choice, even if it may not be entirely factual. These benefits include:
A sense of righteous anger and moral outrage, which can motivate action against perceived wrongdoing.
A perceived need to take action to protect oneself or others from harm, which may be facilitated by blaming the individual rather than feeling compassion for them.
You're right; these beliefs can provide a kind of emotional anesthesia, enabling us to make difficult decisions, like judges handing down sentences. However, this raises important questions about the nature of justice, morality, and compassion.
If we were to move beyond the concept of agency and choice, could we still make difficult decisions without relying on blame and punishment? Perhaps we could focus on:
Harm reduction and prevention, rather than punishment.
Compassionate intervention, aimed at understanding and addressing the underlying causes of harmful behavior.
Restorative justice, emphasizing healing and reparation over punishment.
In this framework, we might prioritize understanding and addressing the complex factors that contribute to harmful actions, rather than relying on the idea of individual choice and blame. This approach could lead to more empathetic and effective solutions, without relying on the emotional anesthesia of righteous anger and blame.
Let's continue exploring this idea: How might our understanding of morality, justice, and compassion evolve if we were to move beyond the concept of agency and choice? Can we develop a more nuanced and empathetic approach to addressing harm and wrongdoing?
(end of conversation with Meta AI)
I want your thoughts and feedback!
Enter your feedback, questions, concerns, objections, or comments in the "Comments" section just below.
No choice (third round)
What gets to choose?
Who gets to choose? Have you noticed it is always a person who we think can choose?
Rocks fall due to gravity, not because they choose to.
Clouds rain due to meteorological conditions, not because they decide to.
Parasites like plasmodium cause malaria as part of their life cycle, not because they choose to infect.
Animals, like cats, act on instinct, not choice, when they bite.
Infants cry due to needs and stimuli, not because they choose to.
In the case of a desire, such as the urge to hit someone, we understand that it may play a role in causing the person's behavior, potentially leading to them acting on that desire. However, we distinguish that the desire itself is not making the choice to hit someone.
What is the "I" that we claim is choosing?
What is (or who is) this "I" that we claim has some power to choose (or cause) something to happen (as an example, let's say claim that you chose to quit your job)?
Are you your thoughts?
If you identify as being synonymous with your thoughts, acknowledging them as an integral part of your identity, then we can establish a connection between certain thoughts and your decision to quit your job. In this scenario, we might say that those thoughts influenced your decision to leave, but we wouldn't attribute agency to those thoughts by saying they "chose" to quit your job. Thoughts, in this context, are seen as a driving force, not the choice maker. They can shape our actions, but they don't possess the capacity for choice.
If you distinguish yourself from your thoughts, acknowledging that they are mere mental phenomena that arise, but don't define your essence, then we gain insight into what you are not - you are not solely your thoughts. However, this understanding only tells us what you are not; it doesn't reveal who you truly are.
Are you your feelings and attitudes?
Similarly, if you identify with your feelings and attitudes, considering them an integral aspect of your identity, then we can establish a connection between certain feelings and thoughts and your decision to quit your job. In this scenario, we might say that those feelings and attitudes influenced your decision to leave, but we wouldn't attribute agency to them by saying they "chose" to quit your job. Feelings and attitudes, like thoughts, are seen as driving forces, not choice makers. They can shape our actions, but they lack the capacity for choice.
If you distinguish yourself from your feelings and attitudes, recognizing that they are transient and fleeting, rather than being the essence of your being, then we gain insight into what you are not - you are not defined solely by your emotions and dispositions. However, this understanding only tells us what you are not; it doesn't reveal the essence of your true nature. Your identity remains unknown.
We could persist in asking more questions, but the outcome would be the same: we would fail to pinpoint the essence of the "you" that makes choices. Despite our efforts, the true nature of the self that chooses remains elusive and undefined.
The ultimate "you"?
After exploring all avenues to define your essence, let's consider the perspective of certain spiritual traditions, which propose that your true nature is the "unmoved seer" - a witness to all experiences.
If we accept this notion, it follows that as this witness, you possess no agency or power to make choices or cause events. Your role is solely to observe.
However, since our enquiry has failed to uncover any evidence of a distinct, independent "you" that has the power of choice separate from influences like thoughts, emotions, and circumstances - all of which can contribute to actions like quitting a job but cannot "choose to quit a job" - we must conclude that a "you" that could be said to "choose" does not exist.
I need your thoughts and feedback!
Enter your feedback, questions, concerns, objections, or comments in the "Comments" section just below.
"No Choice" (second round)
Let's do another round of enquiry (in response to their feedback) to uncover more of what we might mean or could mean when we say we "have choice," "make decisions," or "have no choice."
Lia replied
"In my opinion, life is full of choices and decisions. Whether we choose one or let it flows, we do actually make choice. For instance, Life happily is a choice thus we choose how to behave, do hobbies, etc. Choose to let out life flows at it is often just make us being trapped in routine which leads to nowhere."
Lia said "life is full of choices and decisions."
The meaning of "choice"
What do we usually mean by the idea of "we chose something" in contrast to "it was something we didn't choose"?
Let's say we claim as true "I chose to wear this shirt today." If we say "Even though I wore this shirt today, I could have not worn this shirt today," that is the equivalent of saying "I chose to wear this shirt today."
In contrast, if we claim as true, "Given that I wore this shirt today, I could not have done otherwise than to wear this shirt today," then the statement "I chose to wear this shirt today" would be false since you could not have done otherwise.
What is the evidence supporting the assertions of "choice" or "no choice" in this example?
Chase (the guy who selected the shirt to wear) says, "It's so obvious that I could have chosen another shirt instead of the one I did. How could anyone doubt that I had the power to choose the shirt I did and not choose a shirt that I didn't choose?"
Noctis asks, "Why did you choose that shirt instead of another one?"
Chase replies, "I was just in the mood to wear something more colorful today."
Noctis replies, "So your mood caused the selection of that shirt, not you. What evidence do you have that anything other than your mood, your thoughts, your feelings, maybe even how much sleep you got last night, caused the selection of that shirt over all the others? Certainly, another shirt is likely to be selected on other days. But that will be because one or more of all those others things, which would not be exactly the same as what they were this morning (all those other things which are not 'you') that will have caused the selection of another shirt."
Olivia responded
"Oh, only choice can make one happy and learn. No choice is just an excuse for laziness and avoiding."
How do you know that you wouldn't be more happy and learn even more if you knew you had no choice?
You seem to think that if you believe that you have no choice, then you would not blame yourself if you found yourself being lazy or avoiding something. Yes, that would be true. However, you seem to also be assuming that you would be more likely to not be lazy or avoiding if you knew you would blame yourself for that. That is rarely true. The most common pattern when we blame ourselves for being lazy and avoiding is to continue to be lazy and to avoid things. How do you know that there would not be other, much more effective motivations to end laziness and avoiding if there were no longer any self-blame?
Blame drives out other great motivators: curiosity, creativity, and compassion
In contrast, if we didn't blame ourselves (because we knew we had no choice), then we would likely get curious about our "laziness" and our "avoiding" since we would prefer not to do them. We would more likely get creative and try out something different so that in our future we might find ourselves being less lazy and less avoiding. If, instead, we had blamed ourselves (which we typically do when we believe that we had a choice not to be lazy and avoiding), we would have shut down any curiosity and creativity (and compassion for ourselves) and it would be more likely that our lazy and avoiding behavior would continue into our future.
Let's keep the enquiry going!
I am grateful for the contributions made by Tracy, Lia, and Olivia. I need to hear from the rest of you also! Enter your feedback, questions, concerns, objections, or comments in the "Comments" section just below.
When we believe in choice, we kill off curiosity, creativity, and compassion both for ourselves and others
In this post, I'll set aside the debate over the truth of "it could have been different." Instead, I'll focus solely on the cost that believing in choice, as commonly understood, often brings.
First, let's consider self-blame. When you indulge in ice cream despite promising yourself you wouldn't, and later reflect on your choice, thinking "I could have chosen not to eat it," you may feel regret or guilt. This mindset can lead to shutting down your curiosity, creativity, and compassion, preventing you from exploring future options that balance your desire for ice cream with your desire for better health.
Let's examine the phenomenon of blaming others. When you believe someone deliberately cut you off in traffic or your spouse intentionally had an affair, thinking they had a choice in the matter, you'll likely feel anger or betrayal. In contrast, if believe that they couldn't have acted otherwise, given their circumstances and limitations, your response will shift toward curiosity, creativity, and compassion. This new mindset will enable you to explore how to respond to the situation and the other person in a more constructive and empathetic way.
Forthcoming topics/explorations regarding "no choice"
"It could not have been otherwise given all the circumstances" vs. "If one or more circumstances had been slightly different, it could have been otherwise."
"I don't have the choice to quit my job."
As we uncover the toxic and false ideas about "choice," let's ensure that we don't throw any babies out with the bathwater.