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If you're trying to prove something...

...then life is hard and enjoying the processes of your life becomes problematic. And, even when you get some "proof," it's never enough. There's always more you have to prove.

What are you trying to prove?

  • Are you trying to prove that you're good enough?

  • Are you trying to prove that your life is worthwhile?

  • Are you trying to prove that you're a good guy?

  • Are you trying to prove that you're smart or smarter than others?

  • Are you trying to prove that you're always learning?

  • Are you trying to prove that you're always improving and growing?

  • Are you trying to prove that you're the best in your field?

  • Are you trying to prove that you deserve it?

  • Are you trying to prove that it's not your fault?

  • Are you trying to prove you're doing your best?

  • Are you trying to prove that you're lovable?

  • Are you trying to prove that you're happy?

  • Are you trying to prove that you're helpless?

  • Are you trying to prove that you're the victim?

  • Are you trying to prove that you're one of the gang?

  • Are you trying to prove that you're special?

  • Are you trying to prove that you're normal?

  • Are you trying to prove that you're not a loser?

  • Are you trying to prove that you love someone?

  • Are you trying to prove that you cannot change?

Not fun

When you're trying to prove something, you're doing that on top of the hidden belief that you're not that already. 

Trying to prove it will reinforce that belief. And whatever you're trying prove will never be proven enough. 

Consequently, you will never get to believe or feel that life is your playground and everyone is your playmate or potential playmate. Life will still be hard.


You can let go (step by step) of trying to prove something by undoing the fear that you're not that. 

The fears are:

  • ...that you're not good enough

  • ...that your life is not worthwhile

  • ...that you're not a good guy

  • ...that you're not smart enough

  • ...that you're not lovable

  • ...and so on

Use undoing fear with this sentence (exemplifying one particular fear), "Holy cats and jeepers creepers, I am so scared that I'm not good enough!" eleven times.

Or (with another particular fear), "Holy cats and jeepers creepers, I am so scared that I'm not improving."

What if there's nothing to prove?

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