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Are you rejecting love in advance?

Imagine you were offered an incredible romance: a passionate, loving engagement, an intimate, once-in-a-lifetime experience, with an absolutely fantastic man or woman.


Would you take it? Would you go for it?


But what if you knew in advance that this romance would inexplicably end after six months of passion and bliss, after six months of deep learning and growth? Would you still step into this romance fully?


Or would you protect your heart? Would you throw away this once-in-a-lifetime gift because it will "not last forever"?



When does being too careful threaten living a life that you love?


Would you allow yourself to reach those heights of intimacy and passion if you knew the relationship would end after six months? How many opportunities for love and self-expression do we squander or never take advantage of because we are too careful with our hearts? How many possibilities for intimacy and connection do we dismiss because we are trying to guarantee our future? Reflect on how you have kept yourself safe in this way. Reflect on how you continue to keep yourself safe in this way.



You can guarantee your future





You can guarantee a future of consistently not having the life you might otherwise have by always refusing to take the risks and possibilities of going for it. 



Since being in love feels so precious we want it to be safe


But love is not safe. It's one of the riskiest things we can go for and continue to go for given how important it to us. If fact, when we have love and take it for granted because we think it is safe, that, more than anything else, will end up destroying our love.



Choosing the courage to be open to love...


Choose the courage to open your heart, embracing and making friends with the fear that your most passionate and meaningful relationship could also be the shortest, or not.



An broken heart is an open heart


And, if your heart should break, let it break, let it break fully, letting go of any blame for them or for yourself.

As your heart breaks, feel that pain as a clean pain, a pain that is an expression of your capacity to love and to be loved. 


When you have allowed your heart to break completely, your heart will be open for love again, with a gratitude for the experience of love you had with him or her for whatever time that it lasted.


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