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Beth Gehring - September 19, 2016

I have been blessed to work with Dwight GoldWinde many different times over many different years now on various little things like creating the marriage of my dreams! (34 blissful years and counting!). He was of incredible help to me as I navigated the rocky waters of closing my family business and I really attribute the still strong relationships that I have within my family to the work that we did together at that time.


One of the wonderful things about Dwight is that once you work with him, he always remembers to call and write you on your birthday. It's always wonderful to reconnect. This year it was extra special! As we were getting caught up, the conversation turned to my own coaching practice, which although moderately successful has not inspired me for quite some time now. He listened quietly for a long time, asked me some amazingly relevant questions and within one hour, got me so excited again about how I could restructure myself and what opportunities I could offer to my clients that I was completely amazed.


Dwight's not just an excellent coach, he's a highly skilled businessman, so he's really able to cut to the chase and offer up suggest ions that have everything to do with helping you create the life that you want to have. I love his philosophy because in his mind, if you're not creating a life and business that thrills you, then you're not achieving the same for your clients. It's truly a win/win for everyone involved.


In a nut shell, if you're ready to make lasting and powerful changes in any part of your life, bring the challenge to Dwight. His effervescent good humor AND sharply honed coaching skills will help you create a life that you are in love with six months of coaching with him is a lifetime prescription for ongoing joy.

-Beth Schreibman Gehring, INHC

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