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How Not to Age:

The Scientific Approach to Getting Healthier as You Get Older


by Dr. Michael Greger

After finishing this book in January of 2024, I wrote,


"For those of you who may not know, I am a centurist. As such I have found a few sources of scientifically oriented information that I often refer to. Dr. Greger's is at the top of the list. Therefore, when Dr. Greger's book 'How Not to Age' was released on December 6th, I bought it immediately and started reading, taking over a month to finish it. It's more than I hoped for. If you're interested in your life

longer term, even a little bit, this is the book for you. My 35-pages on notes below will give you more than a taste."


My clippings below collapse a 626-page book (with 995 pages of citations online) into 35 pages, measured by using 12-point type in Microsoft Word." 


See all my book recommendations.  


Here are the selections I made:

I see merit on both sides of this culture clash, with the field of gerontology (the study of old age) struggling to retain hard-fought gains in public funding for basic aging research versus the more ambitious anti-aging crusaders who appear to more fundamentally question underlying assumptions.


To paraphrase Winston Churchill’s quote about democracy as a form of governance, the peer-reviewed medical literature is the worst way to establish facts about our health—except for all the others.


I promised the publisher a book with no more than about 600 pages, but when all was said and done, my manuscript was closer to 2,150 pages. Yikes. I didn’t want to lose any content, so my first stab at trimming was to put the 995 pages of citations online. here, there’s a web address ( and QR code for the full list of searchable citations referenced throughout this book.


I just never want anyone to take my word for anything. I always strive to justify exactly how I arrive at each recommendation.


There may be no such thing as dying from old age. From a study of more than 42,000 consecutive autopsies, centenarians—those who lived at least to one hundred—were found to have succumbed to diseases in 100 percent of the cases examined. Though most were perceived, even by their physicians, to have been healthy just prior to death, not one “died of old age.” They died from disease, most commonly heart attacks.


In the United States, heart disease has been the leading cause of death every year since 1900, with the exception of 1918 when pandemic flu ruled the roost.41 (In contrast, as I detail in How to Survive a Pandemic, COVID only made it to number three.42


Because old age is the greatest risk factor for most of our killer diseases,45 one could argue that the leading cause of death is actually aging.


Eating a plant-based diet may reduce the risk of dementia as much as threefold,51 but the difference in dementia rates between those older than eighty-five compared to younger than sixty-five is three hundredfold.


Imagine if there was an intervention that didn’t just reduce your risk of the leading killers but also arthritis, dementia, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s disease, and sensory impairments. Because such risks tend to double every seven years, even just slowing aging, such that the average sixty-five-year-old, for example, would have the health profile and disease risk of today’s fifty-eight-year-old, would be expected to cut in half everyone’s risk of death, frailty, and disability.55 This is why I wrote How Not to Age.


When asked, How long do you wish to live? and offered the choice of 85, 120, or 150 years, or indefinitely, about two-thirds said they’d prefer to live to be eighty-five. But, when the question was reframed as How long do you wish to live in guaranteed mental and physical health?, the most popular answer switched to an unlimited lifespan.


Only about 18 percent of people can be described as undergoing “successful aging.”


This raises the concept of healthspan, the period of life spent in good health, free from chronic disease and disability.


That is why this book addresses both lifespan and healthspan. What’s the point of living longer if you can’t enjoy it vibrantly? It is my sincere hope this book adds not just years to your life but life to your years.


I remain agnostic as to whether such a breakthrough is possible, but I hope this book will help regardless, whether you’re striving to live long enough to live forever97 or just trying to die young as old as possible.


My Anti-Aging Eight is the final section of the book, an actionable checklist to complement the Daily Dozen I established in my earlier book How Not to Die.


On the other hand, the lifespans of spouses sometimes correlate as much as—or even more than—those of genetic relatives.


In short, only about 15 to 30 percent106 or less107 of our lifespan appears determined by our genes, which means how we live our lives may determine the bulk of our destiny.


AMPK induces autophagy, which cleans house, sweeps away accumulated waste, and effectively institutes a sort of cellular reset.123


In, I talk about its interesting origin story and all the other upsides, including the mind-blowing revelation that diabetics placed on metformin may live longer lives than those who never got diabetes in the first place.


So, healthier individuals may not reap the benefits of metformin that we try to extrapolate from longevity studies on diabetics.


In short, barberries, which can be found inexpensively priced at Middle Eastern groceries in dried form, have been shown to successfully lower LDL cholesterol levels an average of fourteen points (mg/dL),175 as well as improve acne,176 artery function,177 triglycerides, blood sugars, and insulin resistance.


Black cumin is another plant traditionally used in Middle Eastern cuisines that can boost AMPK.


Another AMPK-boosting zinger is hibiscus,196 which delivers the tart cranberry-like flavor and bright red color of Red Zinger tea. Also known as roselle or jamaica, hibiscus tea has been enjoyed around the world for millennia as both a delicious hot or cold drink and an ancient medicinal remedy.


When we consume vinegar, the acetic acid is absorbed and metabolized, giving us a natural boost in AMPK at the dose you might typically get dressing a salad.212


Based in part on studies of human coprolites227—fossilized feces (paleopoo!)—our ancient ancestors may have consumed in excess of 100 g of fiber a day.


That’s more than five times that of the average American today.


In 1676, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, the father of microscopy, was the first person in history to see bacteria. The following year, he saw his own sperm,308 and a year after that, in 1678, he discovered tiny crystals forming in the semen he had left sitting around.


Eight hundred men and women in their forties through eighties were followed for twenty years. Researchers looked at 146 different nutrients in their diet, and the component most predictive of longevity was spermidine.


Swedish researchers calculated that a healthy diet would include 25 mg of spermidine for women and 30 mg for men.


TOP SPERMIDINE SOURCES (MILLIGRAM PER 100-GRAM SERVING UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED)   1.   9.7 mg: tempeh351,352   2.   9.2 mg: mushrooms353,354   3.   9.2 mg: pig pancreas (1 oz)355   4.   8.2 mg: natto (1 oz)356   5.   6.1 mg: mango (one, 210 g)357,358   6.   5.9 mg: edamame359,360   7.   5.8 mg: green peas361,362   8.   5.7 mg: cheddar (aged one year, 1 oz)363   9.   5.5 mg: lentil soup (1 cup)364 10.   5.1 mg: soybeans365 11.   4.4 mg: lettuce366 12.   4.3 mg: polenta367 13.   4.3 mg: corn368,369 14.   3.8 mg: soymilk (1 cup)370 15.   3.8 mg: mussels371 16.   3.7 mg: broccoli372,373 17.   3.4 mg: cow intestine374 18.   2.9 mg: chickpeas375 19.   2.8 mg: cauliflower376,377 20.   2.7 mg: celeriac378 21.   2.6 mg: yellow peas379 22.   2.5 mg: wheat germ (1 Tb)380 23.   2.5 mg: french fries381 24.   2.4 mg: oysters382 25.   2.4 mg: lentils383 26.   2.4 mg: adzuki beans384,385,386 27.   2.3 mg: eel livers (1 oz)387 28.   2.2 mg: salad388 29.   2.1 mg: popcorn (50 g)389 30.   2.0 mg: kidney beans


Mushrooms take the silver. Interestingly, plain white mushrooms may have twice the spermidine content as “fancier” mushrooms like enoki or shiitake.


Soymilk, however, is a concentrated source411 and is presumably the only type of milk with significant levels at 3.8 mg per cup.


Give people a strain of probiotic Bifidobacteria, and you can increase spermidine levels in their stool.


DrugAge is an extensive online database472 of more than five hundred lifespan-extending compounds.473 Among the small subset with the fewest side effects, spermidine had the largest documented lifespan extension.


trying to consume at least 20 mg of spermidine by incorporating foods such as tempeh, mushrooms, peas, and wheat germ into your diet


Given the senolytic success of a quercetin cocktail, researchers started screening other flavonoids.537 In doing so, they found one that was nearly twice as potent: fisetin.


I run through all the landmark strawberry studies in In short, randomized controlled trials show that strawberries can improve cognition,547 cholesterol, inflammation,548 and osteoarthritis,549 as well as boost beneficial gut bugs, including Christensenellaceae,550 a newly discovered551 bacterial family found associated with longevity based on studies of centenarians and supercentenarians.


A third natural senolytic compound has been discovered: piperlongumine,553 found concentrated in a spice commonly sold in Indian grocery stores as pippali (Piper longum, also known as pibo in China and long pepper in Europe).554 I detail what it is and what it can do in I was convinced enough to add it to my daily spice regimen alongside amla (see here), black cumin (see here), and turmeric (see here


In 1996, we learned that eggs aren’t the only cells that can undergo a complete reversal of aging. That was the year a sheep named Dolly was born.


In the Gene Expression Modulation by Intervention with Nutrition and Lifestyle (GEMINAL) study, Dr. Dean Ornish and colleagues took tissue biopsies before and after subjects adopted intensive lifestyle changes for three months that included a whole food, plant-based diet. Beneficial changes in gene expression were noted for five hundred different genes.


Using nonepigenetic estimates of biological aging, the control group continued to age at a rate of about one year per year, but in that time, the dietary restriction group only seemed to age by about one month. And they achieved this with only a 12 percent calorie restriction, which is like skipping just one donut a day.613


You don’t need a special kind of folate either. The folate in foods and folic acid in supplements and enriched foods are perfectly usable, irrespective of which gene type you have.


Randomized trials have also found that those taking folic acid supplements for more than three years are more likely to develop colorectal polyps.



meeting the 400 µg recommended daily allowance of folate, which could be achieved with about a cup of cooked lentils or edamame, a cup and a half of cooked spinach or asparagus, or two and a half cups of broccoli, for example


Diabetes can be diagnosed with an HbA1c of 6.5 percent or higher, meaning 6.5 percent or more of the hemoglobin in the blood has been glycated. A percentage of 5.7 to 6.4 gives a diagnosis of prediabetes, and less than 5.7 is considered normal.


Acarbose has been shown to lower blood AGE levels in diabetics by about 30 percent within twelve weeks.762 No wonder acarbose has been found to improve the healthspan and longevity of mice, increasing their maximum lifespan by about 10 percent. As drugs go, acarbose has an outstanding safety record.


Some grains—notably sorghum798 and millet—inherently contain resistant starch, resulting in a 20 to 25 percent lower blood sugar response compared to other grains, such as rice,799 wheat,800 or corn.


Now, potatoes aren’t like meat, which may actively shorten your life, but there is an opportunity cost to eating white potatoes, since every bite of a potato is a lost opportunity to put something even more healthful into your mouth that may actively make your life longer.


Cinnamon tea works even better, with nearly a 40 percent drop in glycemic response. Even regular unsweetened green tea cuts the glycemic impact by about 20 percent.


Chamomile tea and green tea appear to share the same mechanisms for blood sugar control: blocking the transport of sugars through the intestinal wall.


These days, shorter stature predicts a longer lifespan.861 In fact, this may help explain the gender differential in life expectancy. Men, on average, are about 8 percent taller than women and have about an 8 percent shorter lifespan.


Each additional inch in height is associated with about a 6 percent increased risk in dying from cancer.


At age sixty-five, we are a hundred times more likely to have a tumor than we are at age thirty-five, but if you don’t get a cancer diagnosis by a certain age, you may never get one.


Centenarians appear ten times less likely to die from malignant tumors than people in their fifties and sixties (4 percent versus 40 percent, respectively).


And, in terms of longevity, as we’ll explore in Part II, the two longest-lived formally studied populations on Earth, the Okinawa Japanese947 and the vegetarian Seventh-day Adventists in California, tend to eat soy foods on a daily basis.


The researchers explained that, compared to someone on a low-protein diet, the quadrupling of risk for cancer death from eating a diet rich in animal proteins during middle age is a mortality risk comparable to smoking.


Overall, the amount of life lost from each burger is estimated to equate to smoking two cigarettes.


To help slow this aging pathway, on a daily basis, consider: striving to stick to the recommended daily intake of protein of 0.8 g per healthy kg of body weight (0.36 g per pound), which translates to about 45 g a day for the average-height woman and about 55 g a day for the average-height man choosing plant-based protein sources whenever possible


Ideally, CRP levels in the blood are under 1 mg/L,999 but, in the presence of infection, it can skyrocket within hours up to 100 mg/L or more.


Researchers scoured thousands of such experiments and developed a scoring system called the Dietary Inflammatory Index.


That’s why acarbose can increase the level of good bugs like Bifidobacterium,1171 Lactobacillus, and Prevotella.


but taking the next step and switching to intact whole grains (groats) wouldn’t only give us more fiber but also sneak down a load of starch.


A type of fiber called beta-glucan in brewer’s, baker’s, and nutritional yeasts has been found to boost IL-10.


Simply swapping out a few servings a week of meat for beans, split peas, chickpeas, or lentils can lower your CRP, IL-6, and TNF-α by about a third within two months.


Here’s Dr. Fuhrman’s recipe if you want to try it yourself: half a pound of dark green leafy vegetables (such as baby kale), two and a quarter cups of blueberries, one banana, one tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder, one tablespoon of ground flaxseeds, half a cup of water, and half a cup of either plain or vanilla soymilk or unsweetened vanilla almond milk.


Ginger and garlic follow turmeric as the most anti-inflammatory foods in the Dietary Inflammatory Index.


One-eighth of a teaspoon of powdered ginger, which can cost a single penny, can work as well as the migraine headache drug Imitrex without the medication’s side effects.1289 Taking a third of a teaspoon up to a full teaspoon each day for a few days before your period was shown to significantly lessen menstrual pain and dramatically stanch heavy bleeding.


To help slow this aging pathway, on a daily basis, consider: reducing dietary and endogenous exposure to inflammatory AGEs (see the Glycation chapter) reducing senescent cell SASP inflammation (see the Cellular Senescence chapter) boosting autophagy to help clear out inflammatory cellular debris (see the Autophagy chapter) applying an emollient skin lotion avoiding pro-inflammatory food components, such as saturated fat, endotoxins, Neu5Gc, and sodium, by minimizing intake of meat, dairy, tropical oils, and salt (one lousy breakfast could double your C-reactive protein levels within four hours before it’s even lunch time1333) eating foods shown to be anti-inflammatory, such as legumes, berries, greens, sodium-free tomato juice or tomato paste, oats, flaxseeds, turmeric, ginger, garlic, cinnamon, cocoa powder, dill, green and chamomile teas, and other fiber-, anthocyanin-, and salicylic acid–rich foods mTOR


Most Londoners, for example, apparently didn’t even survive to age sixteen during the seventeenth century.


help slow this aging pathway, on a daily basis, consider: following all the steps to boost AMPK from here striving to stick to the recommended daily intake of protein, 0.8 g per healthy kg of body weight (0.36 g per pound), which translates to about 45 g a day for the average-height woman and about 55 g a day for the average-height man choosing plant-based protein sources whenever possible


Plant-based diets are said to make methionine restriction “feasible as a life extension strategy.”


Presumably, it’s not a coincidence that the few other mammals unable to synthesize their own vitamin C—such as guinea pigs, fruit bats, and some rabbits—are all strongly herbivorous, just like the great apes.1517 Data from human fossilized feces deposited in the Stone Age tell us that we may have been getting up to ten times more vitamin C and ten times more dietary fiber than we do today.


What about us? Sulforaphane can also restore Nrf2 activity in our aging tissues,


discuss the pros and cons in Bottom line? I would exercise caution until we have a better idea of its dosing safety window.


In C. elegans1776 and fruit flies, lifespan was extended at one dose but, at a higher dose, was dramatically cut short by up to 70 percent, raising a “serious concern” for taking NAc supplements.1777 More details in


What’s the optimal intake? See for details, but the magic number appears to be about 200 mg a day.


To help slow this aging pathway, on a daily basis, consider: exercising restricting methionine intake by choosing plant-based protein sources and reducing overall protein intake to recommended levels activating Nrf2 defenses by eating green (cruciferous vegetables) and drinking green (tea) eating berries and other naturally vibrantly colored foods using herbs and spices, such as cinnamon, cloves, garlic, ginger, and marjoram avoiding added salt, sugar, and saturated fat– and cholesterol-rich foods


However, since that publication, more than 150 human clinical trials have been published.1850 I present the update in No impact on inflammation, cancer, cardiovascular disease, long-term frailty,1851 or death1852 has been found epidemiologically for dietary resveratrol exposure, and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials of resveratrol supplements failed to find clinically1853 or even statistically1854 significant effects on systemic markers of oxidative stress, helping to explain the lack of apparent DNA protection.1855


The one study that looked at the greatest apple intake—half an apple a day compared to less than one apple in an entire month—found a 35 percent lower risk of dying early.


As a bonus, the same cardamom dose over two to three months can significantly improve markers of inflammation and oxidative stress,1911 and be a safe, cheap, convenient way to decrease the level of triglycerides in the blood by about twenty points (mg/dL).


To help boost this anti-aging pathway, on a daily basis, consider: elevating cellular NAD+ levels (see the NAD+ chapter) following the recommendations on AMPK activation (see the AMPK chapter) snacking on apples and experimenting with adding cardamom to meals not smoking avoiding foods high in AGEs (see the Glycation chapter)


The answer lies in an enzyme found in Methuselah. That’s the name given to a bristlecone pine tree growing in California’s White Mountains. When it was named, the tree was the oldest recorded living being. Today, it’s nearing its 4,800th birthday. For context, Methuselah had already been alive for centuries before construction of the Egyptian pyramids had even begun.


To help boost this anti-aging pathway, on a daily basis, consider: following the recommendations in the Inflammation and Oxidation chapters eating a high-fiber diet centered around whole plant foods choosing to drink tea or coffee over soda or milk eating cruciferous vegetables supplementing with 800 to 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 a day if your vitamin D blood level is under 20 ng/mL (50 nmol/L)


Worldwide each year, physical inactivity has potentially accounted for more than ten million years of healthy life lost, but what we eat may account for nearly twenty times that amount.


Among the findings, they determined that the number one killer of Americans is the American diet, bumping tobacco down to number two. Smoking now only kills an estimated half million Americans every year, whereas our diet appears to kill many more.


A microlife is one of the million half hours we may have left. Smoking two cigarettes or drinking two pints of beer, on average, would cost a thirty-year-old man one microlife, as would each day he is eleven pounds overweight.


But, even exercising for twenty minutes may add an hour (two microlives) to your life. So, for everyone who says they don’t have time to work out, exercising potentially gives a three-to-one return on investment. Give twenty minutes of your life to theoretically get sixty minutes of life.


What about meat? A single burger is associated with losing a microlife. Is eating a burger worth thirty minutes of your life?2132 So, in terms of lifespan, one burger appears to equal two cigarettes.


Each half-an-egg-a-day was associated with a 7 percent increase in all-cause mortality,2133 which would make one egg on par with one burger for reducing lifespan.


Alternately, you can frame it as a daily loss. Eating a sandwich with just two slices of deli meat like baloney or ham is expected to take off around one hour of your life.


So, breathing in secondhand smoke day in and day out increases your risk of lung cancer almost to the same extent that eating a single daily serving of processed meat increases your risk of colorectal cancer.


We started using tools during the Paleolithic period, which only goes back about two million years, but we and other great apes have been evolving since the Miocene era, which goes back about twenty million years.2155 So, our body evolved on mostly plants for the first 90 percent of our hominoid existence.


The American Heart Association’s recommended limit is 1,500 mg of sodium a day.2183 Care to guess what percentage of Americans exceed that? An incredible 99.4 percent.2184 The overwhelmingly vast majority of U.S. adults consume too much sodium and, at the same time, too little potassium, a mineral that lowers blood pressure. (Less than 2 percent of U.S. adults consume the recommended daily minimum intake of potassium.)


What about using potassium-based salt substitutes? Instead of flavoring our food with sodium chloride (salt), why not shake on some potassium chloride? A naturally occurring mineral salt, potassium chloride is obtained in the same way as regular sodium salt.


The conclusion, echoed by the World Health Organization2348 and the World Heart Federation,2349 was clear and unambiguous: “The safest level of drinking is none.”


The five generally accepted blue zones are the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica, the island of Sardinia in Italy, Ikaria in Greece, Okinawa in Japan, and Loma Linda, California, in the United States.


The foundation of the Blue Zones Food Guidelines is “See that your diet is 95%–100% plant-based.” Vegetables are emphasized (especially leafy greens), along with fruits, whole grains, and legumes.


The list ends with “Retreat from meat,” noting that blue zones centenarians only eat about 2 oz or less of meat about five times per month.2393


And the population with perhaps the highest life expectancy in the world, the Loma Linda Adventist vegetarians, don’t eat any meat at all.


A paper titled “Legumes: The Most Important Dietary Predictor of Survival in Older People of Different Ethnicities” detailed a study in which researchers looked at five cohorts in Australia, Greece, Japan, and Sweden.


Of the food factors investigated, the only one found to have a consistent and significant association with a longer lifespan across the board was intake of legumes, whether it was Swedes eating their brown beans and peas, Japanese eating their soy, or Greeks eating their lentils, chickpeas, and white beans. The researchers identified an 8 percent reduction in risk of death for every 20 g increase in legumes consumed each day,2404 which is just about two tablespoons’ worth.2405


Legumes are not interchangeable, though. A Venn diagram of the phytochemicals found in lentils, beans, soybeans, and chickpeas shared only a 7 percent overlap, so we should strive for variety.


The way the disease is diagnosed and monitored is with the ankle-brachial index—the ratio of blood pressure at the ankle compared to the arm. If the index falls below 0.9, it indicates a clog in the flow of blood to your lower body.


Every ten-beats-per-minute increase in resting heart rate above about sixty-five beats per minute is associated with a 10 to 20 percent increase in the risk of premature death.


Dr. Stamler said as much about the Mediterranean diet on the occasion of his hundredth birthday.2483 The centenarian remained committed to his pioneering research2484 even after turning one hundred. We lost him on January 26, 2022, at the age of 102.2485


How did the traditional diets of more than 2,000 Okinawans break down? Only 1 percent of their diet was fish, less than 1 percent was other meats, and less than 1 percent was dairy and eggs, so it was more than 96 percent plants, with few processed foods.2550


Okinawa has had six to twelve times fewer heart disease deaths per capita than the United States, two to three times fewer colon cancer deaths, seven times fewer prostate cancer deaths, and five and a half times lower risk of dying from breast cancer.2554


And no wonder. The Center for Science in the Public Interest ranked sweet potatoes as one of the healthiest foods on the planet2558—and, one day, perhaps even off the planet, as NASA has chosen the sweet potato for space missions.2559


And purple sweet potatoes may be the best of the best.


The anthocyanins in red rice, black rice, and purple wheat have been shown to have anti-aging and/or life-extending properties in model organisms such as yeast, worms,2561,2562 flies,2563 and mice.


Regardless, miso is now a staple of my kitchen and cookbooks.


With seaweed consumption associated with better blood pressure control in both children2592 and adults,2593 researchers decided to put it to the test and found significantly lower blood pressures from 6 (but not 4) g a day for a month of dried wakame (the sea vegetable in seaweed salad).


For a comparison of the healthiest iodine sources, see my video In short, I recommend the dark-green leafies of the sea. The recommended daily intake can be had in about two sheets of nori,2597 the seaweed used for sushi.


Of more than a hundred compounds measured in the bloodstreams of thousands of individuals, the one most associated with the lowest rates of disease and death was ergothioneine,2604 thought to function as a potent intramitochondrial antioxidant.2605 I review what it can do and the best way to get it in In short, mushrooms and tempeh—a fungi-fermented soybean cake—are the only concentrated dietary sources.


Check out for a remarkable series of interventional trials showing that, compared to placebo, a quarter teaspoon of garlic powder can dramatically improve artery function2631 and slow the progression of atherosclerosis.


Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials have also found ginger to be effective for treating osteoarthritis,2648 premenstrual syndrome,2649 and menstrual pain;2650 preventing2651 and treating migraine headaches;2652 and reducing cholesterol, triglycerides,2653 blood sugars,2654 blood pressure,2655 excess body weight,2656 and signs of oxidative stress2657 and inflammation2658—typically for just pennies a day using the type of ground ginger you’d find at any grocery store.


But, if the person had been eating one and a half teaspoons of ginger powder a day for a week, oxidative stress–induced DNA damage drops about 25 percent, down to 8 percent of cells, which is similar to what’s been found in those fed the same amount of rosemary. Researchers also tested cumin, paprika, sage, and turmeric. The first three don’t seem to help in this regard, but turmeric worked best.


study participants consumed about an eighth of a teaspoon each day of the plain spice you can buy at any grocery store.


If we consume the equivalent of about three-quarters of a teaspoon of turmeric a day for a month, the activity of the catalase enzyme in our bloodstream may get boosted by more than 50 percent.


Okinawa-Inspired Smoothie I’ve been experimenting with a recipe for a delectable bright-purple smoothie that tastes like you are drinking a pumpkin pie. The sweet potato gives it an especially silky-smooth texture. There are a lot more recipes to come in my forthcoming The How Not to Age Cookbook, but to whet your appetite:


½ cooked then frozen purple sweet potato ¼-inch piece of turmeric root ¾ teaspoon matcha 1 cup unsweetened soymilk 1½ teaspoons ground flaxseed 1½ teaspoons wheat germ ¼ cup frozen cranberries ½ cup frozen strawberries 3 pitted dates ¼ teaspoon pumpkin pie spice Dash of cardamom Scrub one purple sweet potato under running water, then pierce it a few times with a fork. Microwave on high until it is fork-tender. When it is cool enough to be handled, cut it in half and freeze both halves. (You’ll use half for this recipe and the other half next time you’re craving this smoothie.) Place all the ingredients in a blender, and blend until smooth. 


Tips: To preserve my turmeric root, I cut it into quarter-inch pieces, then freeze. Also, since learning about spermidine (see here), I’ve been cutting my ground flaxseed with wheat germ, half and half, so I just scoop in one full tablespoon of my flax–wheat germ mixture. Also, please note that the amount of matcha (2 g) used in this smoothie can carry more caffeine than a shot of espresso, so you may not want to drink this late in the day.


Based on the best available studies with the longest follow-up, including an “unusually slim cohort” from the Oxford Vegetarian Study,2676 the ideal body mass index (BMI) for the longest life appears to be 20 to 22 (kg/m2).2677 Okinawans traditionally fell smack dab in the middle at a stable BMI of 21. Although


The fertility versus longevity trade-off may be one reason why spaying and neutering our pets can extend their lives. Based on a study of millions of dogs and cats,2715 sterilized male and female dogs live about 20 percent longer than “intact” dogs, spayed female cats live about 40 percent longer, and neutered male cats a remarkable 60 percent longer.2716


The later girls start their periods, the longer they tend to live.


A century ago, the age of first menstruation averaged as late as nearly seventeen,2732 but now the average age is under twelve.



Higher levels of IGF-1 are associated with earlier sexual maturity,2735 so it’s no surprise that kids eating more animal protein experience puberty significantly earlier; this effect is not seen with plant protein.


Which do you think is more effective? Asking patients to make large dietary changes or smaller ones? Paradoxically, diet studies have shown that recommending greater changes leads to greater changes, leading researchers to conclude: “It may help to replace the common advice, ‘all things in moderation’ with ‘big changes beget big results.’”2754 But, it needn’t be all or nothing.


Swapping in 3 percent of daily calories with plant protein instead of egg protein (found mostly in the egg whites) was associated with twice the benefit of swapping out meat protein, exceeding 20 percent lower mortality in men and women.


So, eggs appeared to be worse than red meat.


These days, “junk” is the predominant food group.2776 Corporations willfully engineer products to maximize eating for profit, and the industry will happily make all the vegan junk we’re willing to buy.


In order to distinguish between healthful and unhealthful vegan diets, Cornell professor emeritus in nutritional biochemistry Dr. T. Colin Campbell introduced the term whole food, plant-based diet.


If people just concentrate on decreasing their intake of animal foods, they may end up increasing their consumption of highly processed junk, like Coke and Wonder Bread.


In general, the dividing line between foods that promote health and those that promote disease may be less plant versus animal and more whole plant foods versus everything else.


The standard American diet only rates an eleven out of one hundred. According to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates, 57 percent of our calories come from processed plant foods, 32 percent from animal products, and only 11 percent from whole grains, fruits, beans, nuts, and vegetables.2804 In other words, on a scale of one to ten, the American diet only rates about a one. Why


In contrast, the potential lifelong damage of any pesticides on those fruits and vegetables has been estimated to only cut a few minutes off the average person’s life.2814 So, while there are many reasons people choose organic produce over conventional, concerns over pesticide residues should not discourage us from stuffing our faces with as many fruits and vegetables as possible.


Tobacco use is responsible for up to ten times or more greater mortality risk:2878 twenty excess deaths per thousand people each year for the heaviest smokers, compared to less than two such deaths for the heaviest sitters.


The share of adults who smoke declined from 42 percent in 19652881 to just 14 percent today.


Exercise is fantastic, but in terms of risk factors for death and disability in the United States, physical inactivity ranks down at number ten and eleven, respectively.2906 Globally, inactivity doesn’t even scratch the top twenty when it comes to years of healthy life lost.2907 A poor diet, as I’ve discussed, is by far our greatest killer, followed by smoking cigarettes.


Apparently not. The same mortality rates were found in identical twins whether they exercised vigorously or not.2916


I was shocked to learn that endurance athletes, compared with sedentary individuals, have been found to have worse atherosclerosis.


However, after ten weeks of intensive workouts and weight loss on the paleo diet, the participants’ LDL cholesterol levels actually went up.


The dosing works out to a whole raw jalapeño pepper or a half teaspoon of red pepper powder a day.


Alternately, there’s ground ginger. It increases weight loss (potentially through BAT activation2986) at a teaspoon a day,2987 which you can just stir into hot water to make ginger tea.


The largest studies in the United States2991 and around the world found that having a normal body mass index between 20 and 25 is associated with the longest lifespan.2992 When you put together all the best available studies with the longest follow-up, that ideal range can be narrowed down even further to a BMI of 20 to 22,2993 which is about 124 to 136 pounds for someone who stands five feet six inches tall.2994 You can use this unisex chart to see what your optimal weight might be based on your height:


Sleep deprivation is no joke. The magnitude of impairment from a week of five-hour nights is similar to that reported in people who smoke, have diabetes, or have coronary artery disease.


A quarter teaspoon of ground lettuce seeds beat out placebo in a double-blind trial for improving sleep quality.3073


No, studies in Nazi-occupied Norway,3086 Finland, and blockaded Sweden showed the rates plummeting, dropping down to as little as only about one-fourth the preceding rate.3087 Check out to see what happens when meat, eggs, and butter are rationed,3088 and food shortages result in diets dominated by garden produce.3089 In reference to the Nazi occupation of Norway, an editorial in the Journal of the American Medical Association noted, “[S]tress has little or no effect if the diet is poor in animal fat.”3090


seven different doses of vitamin D found that elderly women randomized to the medium doses (1,600, 2,400, or 3,200 units a day) were significantly less likely to fall than those given either the lower doses (400 or 800 units a day) or the higher doses (4,000 or 4,800 units a day).

After following more than 200,000 men and women for up to three decades, they confirmed the bad news in 2019. Those who consumed more dairy lived significantly shorter lives.


The bottom line is that five or six prunes a day may help preserve bone density.3204


Drinking three or more cups of coffee daily is associated with a doubling of hip fracture risk, but habitual tea consumption is associated with significantly lower risk.


Details in, but basically, almonds may be able to help prevent bone loss but not build bones,3218 whereas the opposite was found for prunes—so a combo prune-and-almond trail mix may be in order.


However, the group drinking two glasses of soymilk a day ended up with more bone than when they started.


Soymilk also appears to have the additional benefits of reducing risk of breast3227 and prostate3228 cancers, improving gut health,3229 and decreasing inflammation3230 and free radical DNA damage compared to rice milk or dairy milk.3231 It can also improve insulin resistance3232 and help with stroke rehabilitation, improving walking speed, exercise endurance, grip strength, and muscle functionality,3233 as well as lower blood pressure better than dairy milk.3234 Soymilk can even lower your LDL cholesterol as much as 25 percent after just twenty-one days.3235 Nutritionally, soymilk is considered the best choice for replacing dairy milk in the human diet.


I recommend 2,000 IU of supplemental vitamin D a day for those getting inadequate sun exposure3252 and at least 600 mg of calcium daily3253 via calcium-rich plant foods—preferably low-oxalate dark green leafy vegetables, which include all greens except spinach, chard, and beet greens. (All very healthy foods, but just stingy with their calcium.)


What can we do to prevent injurious falls? Exercise.3280 Based on dozens of randomized controlled trials, exercise is the single intervention most strongly associated with a reduction in falls rate.


However, the most important criterion for establishing a constipation diagnosis is not frequency3297 but, rather, consideration of the most prevalent symptom: straining.3298 Ideally, bowel movements should be effortless.


Not even 3 percent of Americans meet the recommended minimum daily intake of fiber, meaning Americans are not eating enough whole plant foods, the only place fiber is found in abundance.


Every 7 g of daily fiber intake correlates to a 9 percent reduced risk in heart disease, our number one killer.3368 So, would 77 g a day drop our risk by 99 percent? That’s about how much fiber they used to eat in Uganda,3369 a country in which coronary heart disease was almost nonexistent.


For a head-to-head test between flaxseed and psyllium, a second cookie group was added containing 10 g of psyllium. The flaxseed still won, beating out the psyllium for constipation relief, weight loss, blood sugars, and cholesterol.3381 (Flax can also be about four times cheaper than even generic psyllium.)


At the end of one month, not only did the mangos work better in terms of constipation relief but the fruit had a significant anti-inflammatory effect, dropping blood IL-6 levels by more than 20 percent.


Why do nearly all U.S. doctors recommend colonoscopies3409 when noninvasive stool testing appears to be the preferred screening method in most of the rest of the world?


While colon cancer remains the second leading cancer killer in the United States, rural Africa has ten times lower incidence.


What we want is a cholesterol level that is normal for the human species, which is considered to be around 30 to 70 mg/dL (or 0.8 to 1.8 mmol/L).


Given that the LDL level our body was designed for is less than half of what is presently considered “normal,”3559 it’s no wonder that we are awash in a pandemic of atherosclerotic heart disease.


but basically, there is an exponential increase in risk of dying from a stroke or heart disease as our blood pressures go up, starting from around 110 over 70.


How many of the teens, though? All of them. One hundred percent of the teenaged victims had fatty streaks building up inside their arteries. All of them had the first stage of the disease, and those streaks were already blossoming into atherosclerotic plaques bulging into the arteries of 55 to 65 percent of those in their early thirties.


The absolute risk reduction is only 1 percent, so for every hundred people who take a drug like Lipitor for a few years, only one person averts a heart attack.3603 However, in order to take a cholesterol-lowering drug every day, most say they want an absolute risk reduction at least about twenty-five times higher than that. So, the dirty little secret is if patients knew the truth, if they knew how little these drugs actually worked, nearly no one would agree to take them.


Based on a half dozen populations studied in the United States, following tens of thousands of people for up to thirty years, each additional half an egg consumed per day was significantly associated with higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease and dying from all causes put together.


While those eating plant-based diets appear to enjoy lower risk of cardiovascular disease and longer lives,3719 those eating low-carb diets suffer significantly higher rates of cardiovascular disease and shorter lives—a 22 percent increase in overall mortality risk.3720 So, the side effects of low-carb ketogenic diets may not only include, as a recent review recited, “chronic fatigue, nausea, headaches, hair loss, reduced tolerance to alcohol, reduced physical performance, heart palpitations, leg cramps, dry mouth, bad taste, bad breath, gout, or constipation,”3721 but premature death as well.3722


to 90 percent of the time, and if it doesn’t, clinicians


The men had to be at least sixty-five with measured and confirmed low testosterone levels (< 275 ng/dL) and exhibiting a symptom like diminished vitality or libido.


Clinical trials of fenugreek with daily dose equivalents as low as a quarter teaspoon4361 to two-thirds of a teaspoon4362 were found to raise testosterone levels4363 by about 10 percent within three months, accompanied by a rise in sex drive and arousal.


Side benefits include an improvement in LDL cholesterol, triglycerides,4365 and short- and long-term blood sugar control (with actual fenugreek powder working better than fenugreek extract supplements).


Preschoolers were randomized to eat either bananas or gold kiwifruits every day. Compared to the banana group, the kiwi-eating kids appeared to nearly halve their risk of contracting a flu-like illness or cold.


Goji berries do actually appear to have relevant, real-world, beneficial effects on immune function.


In terms of immune function, wakame, which is the kind you find in seaweed salad, can double4500 or quadruple4501 the replication potential of T cells, an important part of our immune defense against viruses like herpes.


See my video to learn what eating just 2 g a day of wakame can do for those suffering from various herpes infections and how wakame can significantly boost protective antibody responses to flu vaccination.


Raw garlic has the most, but it may be easier for some to eat two or three cloves of cooked garlic than the equivalent (half a clove) of raw.


As I show in my video, cooked white button mushrooms can also boost IgA production4531 while potentially tamping down immune overactivity.


Details in, but basically, the IgA-boosting effects4538 of the beta-glucan from a daily heaping teaspoon or so of nutritional yeast can reduce the incidence, duration, and severity of upper-respiratory-tract infections compared to placebo.


a similar trial on healthcare workers found that those participants randomized to the equivalent of just one and a quarter cups of green tea a day4561 for five months were about three times less likely to come down with the flu (4 percent versus 13 percent in the placebo group).


They were more than twice as effective in killing off cancer. On average, each natural killer cell drawn from the blood of a vegetarian knocked off two cancer cells for every one the nonvegetarian killers succeeded in overtaking.


A subgroup analysis, however, suggests that the preventive benefit is limited to Asian ginseng, which cuts infection risk in half compared to placebo, as opposed to American ginseng, which reduced risk by only 14 percent, not reaching statistical significance.


Those taking 1,000 mg or so of vitamin C a day may have a one-in-three-hundred chance of getting a kidney stone every year, instead of a one-in-six-hundred chance, which is not an insignificant risk, given how painful they can be.


In other words, those who buy vitamin E supplements may in effect be paying to live a shorter life.


I run through all the studies in the video, but basically, zinc lozenges appear to shorten colds by about three days,


The healthiest sources are probably legumes, nuts, and seeds, though oysters may be the most concentrated source by far.


Each year, influenza typically kills between 4,000 and 20,000 Americans,4663 though the death toll for the 2017–18 flu season was estimated at 80,000, making it one of the deadliest in the last half century.


Depending on the season, vaccination typically reduces the risk of getting the flu by about 40 to 50 percent.4669 So, in healthy younger adults, we can say with moderate certainty that we can decrease the risk of getting the flu from about 2 percent each year down to just under 1 percent.4670


Among older adults, there may be a similar relative risk reduction—from 6 percent down to 2.4 percent—but since the risk is higher and the consequences greater, the absolute benefits are greater, too.4671


Because of comorbidities at older ages, though, pneumonia is the fourth leading cause of death in the world4690 and the ninth leading cause in the United States.4691


Like the flu vaccine, population studies have found that pneumonia vaccines appear to reduce both the risk of heart attacks and the overall risk of dying, but unlike the flu vaccine, there aren’t randomized controlled trials to confirm these bonus benefits.


In 2017, however, a recombinant shingles vaccine was approved (Shingrix) with a 90 to 97 percent efficacy for preventing an outbreak.


When people with diabetes were given strawberries for six weeks, not only did their diabetes get better, but their C-reactive protein levels dropped by 18 percent.4867 Strawberries can even downregulate pro-inflammatory genes to the point of reversing precancerous growth.4868 Even just a single meal can help.4869 So, can strawberries improve pain and inflammation in confirmed knee osteoarthritis? Yes.


Those unknowingly taking the real rose hips experienced a significant reduction in pain over placebo,4874 close to that seen with NSAIDs,4875 but without any reported side effects.4876


In, I review the randomized controlled trials showing that as little as an eighth of a teaspoon of ginger powder can reduce knee osteoarthritis pain,4882


The turmeric extracts significantly reduced knee pain and improved physical function compared to placebo and had similar effects to the NSAIDs, but with a better safety profile.


When topical sesame oil was tested head-to-head against the leading topical NSAID, a 1% diclofenac sodium gel, such as Voltaren, the sesame oil was found to work similarly for pain and some measures of function, but the NSAID gel did better at reducing stiffness.


This was at a cost of perhaps a dollar a month.4895 Time to rub flaxseed oil on some arthritic knees!


A similar conclusion was reached in a trial for rheumatoid arthritis, where topical extra-virgin olive oil seemed to beat out rubbing on an NSAID gel or nothing at all (a “dry massage” control).


The lifetime prevalence of low back pain is reported to be as high as 84 percent, and chronic low back pain is present in about one in five, with one in ten being disabled. It’s an epidemic fueled, in part, by the obesity epidemic. Carrying excess weight is a risk factor not only for low back pain4904 but also for sciatica4905 and lumbar disc degeneration4906 and herniation.


Using the scoring system, a fifty-year-old man who didn’t finish high school, is physically inactive and obese, and has high blood pressure and cholesterol can be more than fifty times more likely to develop dementia compared to a fifty-year-old man who is more educated and active, not obese, and has normal blood pressure and cholesterol, suggesting that we have an enormous influence on risk.5044


Humans appear to have evolved to sustain an LDL level of around 25 mg/dL.5055 The average in the Western world is approximately 120 mg/dL. Perhaps it’s no wonder that heart disease is the leading cause of death in higher-income countries, and dementia, according to the World Health Organization, is killer number two.


One food is capable of boosting BDNF after just a single meal: rye groats.


Most people get enough B12 and B6, but the reason the elderly individuals may be stuck at a homocysteine level of 11 µmol/L5335 is that they aren’t getting enough folate.5336 That should come as no surprise since folate is found concentrated in beans and greens, and 96 percent of Americans don’t even get the minimum recommended amount of beans or dark green leafy vegetables.


Even just one week on a plant-based diet can drop elevated homocysteine levels by 20 percent, from around 11 µmol/L to 9 µmol/L,5338 which is a normal level for those replete with B vitamins.


However, when vegans take B12, their homocysteine levels drop below 5 µmol/L.


Multiple randomized controlled trials have shown that kids do significantly better on executive function and memory performance tests (but not reading) in the hours immediately following the consumption of the equivalent of about one and a half cups of wild blueberries compared to placebo.


Project compared the cognitive decline over five years in men and women with an average age of eighty-one who ate green leafy vegetables every day versus those eating less than a serving a week and made an extraordinary discovery.


Quoting from the study: “The rate of decline among those who consumed 1–2 servings per day was the equivalent of being 11 years younger compared with those who rarely or never consumed green leafy vegetables.”


until we know more, non-fish-eaters should consider supplementing5485 with 100 to 300 mg of DHA a day.5486


Switching to a plant-based diet can cut cadmium (and lead) levels in half within just three months, and lower mercury levels by 20 percent, as measured in hair samples, but the heavy metal levels bounce back when an omnivorous diet is resumed.5492 Whether this helps account for the data showing two to three times lower dementia rates in vegetarians5493 is unclear. Although blood levels of mercury are correlated with Alzheimer’s risk, brain mercury levels, assessed on autopsy, do not correlate with brain pathology.


Regular, FDA-approved prescription drugs are the sixth leading cause of death in the United States.


Every kilogram of force decline in annual grip strength is correlated with a 33 percent increased risk of mortality. Even grip strength in middle age is highly predictive of late life disability twenty-five years later.


For example, older men and women with an average age of seventy on a generic twenty-four-week strength training program with three sessions a week experienced about a 10 percent increase in leg muscle mass, a 40 percent increase in lower and upper body strength, and about a 20 percent decrease in sit-to-stand time,5575 which is a measure of physical function that can predict fall risk.5576


The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) is 0.8 g of protein per kg of body weight per day for all adults regardless of age, which is about your ideal weight in pounds multiplied by four and then divided by ten.


As I’ll detail in the Protein Restriction chapter, people may be more likely to suffer from protein excess than protein deficiency.


Hundreds were enrolled to test the effects of leucine, whey protein, soy protein, creatine, and a combination of creatine and whey versus a placebo control (cornstarch) in the context of a sixteen-week resistance training program. The strength training itself worked, increasing muscle mass and function, but everything else flopped.


There seems to be a microbiome “signature” of frailty. Fecal samples from frail individuals show a striking lack of bacterial diversity5698 and, in particular, a deficit of fiber-eating “good bacteria”5699 such as Lactobacillus.


Beans are significantly acid-reducing, but not as much as fruits are, even tart ones like citrus. Vegetables are crowned as the most alkaline-forming foods.5715 However, beans and other legumes are the only major sources of protein that are alkaline-forming instead of acid-forming.


But older men and women given a tablespoon of natural, unprocessed cocoa a day for twelve weeks experienced a significant improvement in muscle mass index, grip strength, and all four physical function tests.


In a survey of heterosexual college students, men rated visual information as being most important for selecting a lover, while women considered smell to be the single most important physical feature. In other words, women ranked body odor as more important for attraction than “looks.”


What can we do to make ourselves smell better? Eat mushrooms.


I was pleasantly surprised to learn that champignon is just another name for regular white button mushrooms, the cheapest, easiest-to-find mushrooms you can get just about anywhere.


So, whose body odor was the most pleasant, the most attractive? The results showed that the “odor of donors when on the nonmeat diet was judged as significantly more attractive, more pleasant, and less intense.


There is a pro-inflammatory signaling molecule in our body called interleukin 18, which is thought to play a role in destabilizing atherosclerotic plaque.


As such, the level of interleukin 18 in the blood is a strong predictor of cardiovascular death.


Fennel seeds, which are actually whole little fruits, have been shown to have hormonal effects, for example, offering significant relief from painful periods5939 comparably to ibuprofen-type drugs.


Other studies have also found significant benefits to fennel vaginal creams for desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, and sexual satisfaction.


Men randomized to capsules containing fenugreek got significant gains in body composition and upper (bench press) and lower (leg press) strength compared to placebo,5946 along with a significant boost in total blood testosterone5947 and a doubling of the frequency of morning erections.


I review the evidence in my video, but in a nutshell, the researchers found that men with “high orgasmic frequency” appeared to cut their risk of premature death in half and, apparently, the more, the better: There was a 36 percent drop in mortality odds for every additional one hundred orgasms a year


And for good reason. In, I detail interventional studies showing how effective exercise6050 and healthy dietary changes can be in improving erectile function.6051


Thankfully, eating more healthfully is becoming more and more convenient and may be among the cheapest ways to eat.6084 A meat-free diet, for example, could save individuals an estimated $750 a year.6085


Considered the “gold standard” for anti-aging skin care: “daily use of sunscreens in the daytime and retinoids at night.…”6273


You can make a DIY solution by simply buying L-ascorbic acid in bulk and mixing 3 g into 30 g of water at a cost of about a nickel per ounce, thousands of times cheaper.


You can mix it in an eyedropper bottle. Drip just four or five drops on the palm of your hand, and use your fingertips to apply it over your face, neck, and upper chest daily. Be careful not to get it in your eyes, though.


This framework ignores the fact that there’s a third way: vitamin D supplements.


Other than nicotinamide, how else might we protect against skin cancer from the inside out?


Because their diet was so packed with whole plant foods, rural Africans were among the only known populations ever recorded eating more than 100 g of fiber a day, which is the amount that is considered normal for our species.


Our ancestors who lived more than 10,000 years before the toothbrush was invented had almost no cavities.6473 Why? Because candy bars hadn’t been invented yet, either. Now, dental cavities may be humanity’s most prevalent disease,6474 and, as I show in, sugar consumption is considered to be the one and only cause.


The recommended 3 percent cap on total daily intake of added sugars6476 wouldn’t even allow for a single average serving for young children of any of the top ten breakfast cereals most heavily advertised to them.6477 Obviously, soda is off the table. One can would be nearly two days’ worth of sugar.


A meta-analysis of eighteen studies on the oral health implications of vegetarian diets showed that vegetarians have significantly fewer decayed, missing, and filled teeth.6519


In, I profile a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study that found that gojis may even help people already suffering from macular degeneration.


encourage you to swap out raisins for goji berries—in your breakfast oatmeal, as a snack, in muffins, and anywhere else.


In, I run through all the experiments showing how pairing avocados with salsa or salads can dramatically increase the absorption of the carotenoids in vegetables.


Diabetic Retinopathy Diabetes is another leading cause of blindness, as well as amputations and kidney failure. Thankfully, type 2 diabetes can be prevented and even reversed, as I discuss at length in my chapter on diabetes in How Not to Die.


Based on the more than 100,000 men and women followed for decades, higher nitrate intake (mostly from green leafy vegetables) was indeed associated with significantly lower risk of developing glaucoma.6597 NO


Patients who choose hospice care live on average about a month longer than similar patients who do not choose hospice.


As I discuss in, any physician aid in dying is illegal and punishable by law in forty U.S. states. In contrast, VSED is legal throughout the United States: Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking.6671


The average time of death after stopping eating and drinking is about seven days, though 8 percent lived for more than two weeks. The last days of life were rated as peaceful, with low levels of pain and suffering, even more so than a physician-assisted death.6680 Most hospice workers said they would consider VSED themselves should they become terminally ill.


Based on studies tracking the eating habits and deaths of about a half million people over time,6753 inadequate nut consumption may be responsible for the premature deaths of millions every year around the world.


So, two handfuls of nuts a week could be the longevity equivalent of jogging for four hours.


The healthiest nut, however, is probably walnuts. Not only do they have some of the highest antioxidant6777 and omega-36778 levels, but walnuts are the only nuts known to significantly improve artery function,6779 and they beat out others in suppressing cancer cell growth in vitro.6780


I’d recommend HEPA filter models and avoiding air cleaning technologies that may emit harmful by-products,6808 such as electrostatic precipitators (ionizers)6809 and negative ion generators.


Top Ten Common Food Sources of Nitrates 1.      Arugula 2.      Rhubarb 3.      Cilantro 4.      Butter Leaf Lettuce 5.      Spring Greens (e.g., Mesclun Mix) 6.      Basil 7.      Beet Greens 8.      Oak Leaf Lettuce 9.      Swiss Chard 10.    Beets


A meta-analysis of a dozen randomized, controlled human trials found that between two-thirds of a cup to two cups of cooked greens’ worth of nitrates significantly improved artery function as measured in the arms6841 or legs,6842 and, as I detail in, this translates into clinical benefit, for example, enabling peripheral artery disease patients to walk 18 percent longer without pain.


People randomized to eat a green leafy salad with arugula and spinach lowered their blood pressures within hours, compared to eating a greens-free salad of cucumber, green beans, and cherry tomatoes.


Of all the food groups analyzed by a Harvard University research team, greens were associated with the strongest protection against major chronic diseases,


but combining the three prospective studies on eating berries and overall longevity, it’s clear that those with high berry consumption tend to live significantly longer than those with low intake.


Greens are the healthiest vegetables, and berries the healthiest fruits—in part due to their respective plant pigments.


Mangos are the preferred fruit everywhere else and have much more antioxidant punch at around 110 units.


Per cup, strawberries have about 310 units; blueberries, 380; raspberries, 430; cranberries, 490; and blackberries, a staggering 680 antioxidant units.


Arguably the most important plant in Ayurvedic medicine, amla is used traditionally for everything from a hair tonic to a snake venom neutralizer.6913 I eat it because it’s apparently the single most antioxidant-packed whole food on Earth.6914 See what four cents’ worth can do to the antioxidant power of a smoothie in


Amla has also been shown to reduce triglycerides,6918 improve blood fluidity, reduce markers of oxidative DNA damage6919 and systemic inflammation,6920 improve blood sugar control in diabetics,6921 and may decrease the effects of stress on the heart.


For example, eating blueberries every day increases the number of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria.6937 Similar effects have been shown for black currants6938 and tart cherries.6939


There are other anthocyanin-containing fruits, like plums, pomegranates, and red or black grapes.


Anthocyanins can also be served in your main course, thanks to red onions, blue potatoes, red cabbage, or purple barley.


Instead, they have been called “lifespan essential,” meaning they’re necessary for the longest possible life.


An estimated 7.8 million premature deaths are attributed annually to the inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables, not getting at least eight servings a day.


In the United States alone, if you add up all the fatal cancers, strokes, heart attacks, and other deaths that could have been averted by simply eating more fruits and vegetables, it comes out to about 450,000 deaths every year.7033 There is a phytonutrient deficiency pandemic that could be wiped out with a few more daily servings of plants.


concluded that “smaller amounts of many phytochemicals may have greater potential to exert beneficial effects than larger amounts of fewer phytochemicals.”


Each one of us has about 23,000 genes,7287 but our gut bacteria, collectively, have about three million.7288 About half the cells in our body are not human.7289 We are, in effect, a superorganism—a kind of “human-microbe hybrid.”7290


For example, centenarians have up to about a fifteenfold increase in butyrate producers.7324


Akkermansia, the species most associated with healthier aging, were three times more abundant in the fecal samples of the healthy versus non-healthy aging cohort.


Based on twenty studies following more than 30,000 people for an average of about five years, a systematic review and meta-analysis found that higher TMAO was associated with a nearly 50 percent increase in all-cause mortality risk.


Where does TMAO originate? From bad bacteria in our gut when we eat a lot of choline, which is concentrated in eggs and lecithin supplements, or carnitine, which is found in abundance in meat and some energy drinks.


Without a change in diet to change the gut ecosystem, probiotics don’t take root, so you’d have to keep taking them forever.


On the other hand, by eating foods rich in prebiotics, in other words, increasing “whole plant food consumption,”7471 we may select for and foster the growth of our own good bacteria.


As I’ve discussed, prebiotics are the food components that feed and nourish the good bacteria in the gut, like fiber and resistant starch.


how just one high-fiber meal can improve lung function in asthmatics within a matter of hours? SCFA postbiotics may explain why higher fiber intake is associated with a lower risk of developing osteoarthritis7489 and worsening knee pain over time.


As fiber-feeders, Prevotella churn out more short-chain fatty acids,7502 helping to explain why African Americans (who typically have a Bacteroides enterotype) have fifty times more colon cancer than native Africans (who typically harbor Prevotella).


The microbiomes of those eating fiber-depleted processed foods, such as soda and refined grain products, clustered with those eating more animal foods.7515 So a junk-food vegan may not be doing their good bugs many favors.


The U.S. federal recommendation for fiber intake is at least 14 g per 1,000 calories, which comes out to about 25 g a day for women and 38 g a day for men.7519 Even though that’s a far cry from the 100 g our body was designed to get (based on the diets of isolated modern-day hunter-gatherer tribes7520 and analyzing coprolites, human fossilized feces7521), fewer than 3 percent of Americans even reach the minimal minimum recommendation.


We know that fiber is only found in plants by definition,7522 with typically little found in processed foods and none at all in any animal foods. Since fruits and vegetables are mostly water, the fiber-rich superstars of the plant kingdom are the whole grains and legumes.7523 A cup of fruit may only have about 3 g of dietary fiber and a cup of vegetables 5 g, but a cup of beans or a cup of intact whole grains, like barley groats, may have 15 g.


Unlike whole foods, like brown rice or whole-grain barley, fiber supplements don’t seem to work to improve the richness of the microbiome.


That’s the reasoning behind recommendations that people take a “50-food challenge,” eating at least fifty different plant foods a week to achieve a diet diverse enough to feed a vast spectrum of bacteria.7530


For example, about 30 percent of the caloric content of human breast milk is made of “indigestible” oligosaccharides.7535 Though we may not be able to digest them, guess who can? Bifidobacterium infantis, good bacteria in the guts of infants. That’s how important the human-bacteria relationship is. We were designed to be a symbiotic species.


That’s why we should try to de-flour our diets. Whole grains are good, but intact whole grains (groats) are better.



The reason obesity rates among vegans may run as low as 2 to 3 percent7712 is that those eating more plant-based eat as many as 464 fewer calories a day while eating the same amount of food7713—or even more.


Slim, vegetarian, nut-eating, exercising, nonsmoking Adventists live about a decade longer than the general population.


In general, shifting food intake toward the morning—eating breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper or skipped entirely—has beneficial cardiometabolic effects, whereas the same eating window pushed toward the evening (skipping breakfast) can have null or negative effects.


The recommended dietary allowance for protein is around 50 g a day (46 g for women, 56 g for men).7815 The researchers took men who were averaging twice that—112 g, which is about the average of what many American men get7816—and randomized them down to 64 g of protein a day. So, the “protein-restricted” group was still getting more than enough protein. Do that, and you can essentially double FGF21 levels in the blood within about six weeks.


Low IGF-1 levels predict survival in people with exceptional longevity.


A key determinant of circulating IGF-1 levels in humans is protein, particularly animal protein.


In mice, caloric restriction alone lowers IGF-1,7851 but people require protein reduction.


The traditional Okinawan diet was 9 percent protein and 85 percent carbohydrates (mostly from sweet potatoes, if you recall).


A review on methionine restriction for life extension concluded, “In humans, methionine restriction may be achieved using a predominately vegan diet.”7968 Even at the same protein intake, vegetarians may consume as much as 36 percent less methionine.7969 Given the methionine concentration of eggs and dairy, though, only vegans end up with significantly lower methionine levels in their bloodstream.7970


Since BCAAs are mostly found in meat, including chicken and fish, dairy products, and eggs,8034 this may explain why animal protein intake intensifies insulin resistance8035 and is associated with higher diabetes risk,


Note that protein restriction is the only intervention in the chart here that blocks every one of the eleven aging pathways, yet the prevailing dogma in our society is to eat more protein.


There are four major NAD+-boosting supplements on the market these days: nicotinic acid (NA), also known as niacin, nicotinamide (NAM), also known as niacinamide, nicotinamide riboside (NR), and nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN).


A twelve-week study of daily NMN supplementation in middle-aged men and women similarly found no significant effects on any outcome, including lean mass, muscle mass, body fat, blood sugars, cholesterol, or insulin sensitivity. NMN did boost blood NAD+ levels, though they peaked after the first month and then trended down for months two and three, so there may have been an adaptive drop in NAD+ synthesis, as was suspected with NR.8243


To prove cause and effect, sedentary men and women started a stationary bike exercise protocol, and, within three weeks, NAMPT levels increased by 127 percent.


In 1850, life expectancy in the United States was less than forty years,8332 but it has steadily increased over the last two centuries,8333 gaining about two years per decade—until recently, that is. Longevity gains have faltered and then, in 2015, started to reverse.8334 Thanks in large part to the obesity epidemic, we may now be raising the first American generation to live shorter lives than their parents.8335 And that was before COVID-19 knocked two years off the U.S. life expectancy, a decline not experienced since 1943, the deadliest year of World War II.8336


By the 2022 update, we had slipped even farther, from 1 percent down to 0.2 percent.8339 Today, only one in five hundred Americans even gets close to a modestly healthy diet.


The upshot was that there wasn’t much difference between the final food requests of death row inmates and what Americans normally eat. If we continue to eat as though we are having our last meals, eventually, they will be.


Even the most carnivorous of apes—chimpanzees—eat a diet that is more than 98 percent plant-based.





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