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Menu of Ways to Find What You Want

Solving a Problem Quickly


The search box...

Even though I know how to find my way through The 14:24 Guest House better than anyone else, I often use the search box to more quickly find the door to the suite I am looking for. With the first suites built on February 28th, 2018, this Guest House now has over 1250 hallways and suites, with another one added almost every day, each suite with a theme about a particular life problem and life solution. The search box is always there in the blue-painted foyer of every suite, always ready for you to use whatever suite you happen to be in. Just type in a word that indicates the type of problem you have. In the above image on the right, you can see what popped up when I entered, "guilt."

To give you the idea, here are a few examples:


  • procrastination

  • laziness

  • resentment

  • blame

  • betrayal

  • passion

  • defensiveness

  • depression

  • anxiety

  • indecisiveness

  • worry

  • money

  • time

  • overwhelmed

  • pressured

  • stressed

  • perfectionism

  • nutrition

  • and sleep. 

This is a small sample of the hundreds of topics and issues that the various suites can help you learn how to learn about and solve.

Go try it yourself now. It's so easy...return to the foyer of this suite.

Are the rooms interesting or valuable?


Could this Guest House 

change my life?

Our internal sense of well-being and happiness, the quality of our relationships,

as well as our accomplishments are sourced

from a foundation of integrity

(as distinguished in the Word Repair Shop).

Check out these short, fun quizzes to get some quantifiable measures of how much greater your life could be (than it already is) if you had

the obvious and easy-to-use tools

to move into the A+ level

of integrity.

Check out all the integrity quizzes here


Will The 14:24 Guest House 

interest or excite me?

It will take 4.5 minutes to find out.

Return to the blue foyer of this suite and...

Open the doors to Allow me to take you... 

and Hey! Want a surprise? 

Open the door to New to ADH? or Free, Free, Free.

Open Where is the solution to my problem?

Check out the drop-down room directory:

Home, Toolkits, HOGAB, Tutorial, and Sundry.

Value or interest
What' New

Where are the new suites?


Finding the What's New corridor is easy. Just click the video or button (as shown in the left image)

that you'll find in the blue foyer of every hallway/suite in this Guest House.


Finding the Surprises


"The 14:24 Guest House"

is built for the curiosity seeker. Start trying to open anything that might be door to a suite.

Each room is a possibility of curiosity.

If you want to glance at some major topics and sub-topics

as they are explored in the various suites,

click on the pull-down menus to find doors to many different types of suites:







My Life/Your Life



Here are a few unique suites:

Off the Beaten Path

Fascinating Facts

Fun Stuff

Give Me a Break

A Panoply of Poetry by Solo Me

Off Topic

The Floor Plan

         Home                                     Toolkits                                             HOGAB                                      Problems


          Life Tutorial                               Videos                     My/Your Life               Ethics                        Sundry



A new room almost every day

Unless new construction accelerates, it may take more than a decade before "The 14:24 Guest House" has more suites than the MGM Grand in Las Vegas with 5,124 suites. However, with the likelihood of surpassing 1,500 suites this year (2024), keeping track of all our hallways and suites is no small task. 

The drop-down menus from the top, however, give you different slices that may guide you to what you want. The drop-downs:



Here are the doors to a panoply of intriguing suites, the purpose of which is to give you both an overview of what treasures lie behind every door of this Guest House, but also a few fun tidbits.


The URL for this Guest House is (now WHAT, WHEN, WHO, OR WHERE). The purpose of the Guest House is to learn HOW to make the changes we want to make. Most often we know WHAT to do. We just don't know how to do it. For example, if someone says, "Don't worry," it may be good advice, but few of us know HOW to stop worrying. The toolkits provide the how-tools to do all these things we know to do but don't know how to do. 


Undoing worry for "How to stop worrying"

Undoing procrastination for "How to stop procrastinating"

Undoing stress for "How to stop getting stressed out"

Undoing guilt for "How to stop feeling regret or guilt"

Undoing expectations for "How to stop setting myself up for frustration or disappointment"

Undoing defensiveness for "How to stop being defensive"

These are a just a few examples of the hundreds of tools, many of which are unavailable elsewhere, that enable you to know HOW to do what you want to do, but previously could not because you didn't have the right tools.

Each of these separate toolkits is a large hallway/corridor (with the largest being the FFP, NNI, FFI, NFS, and OOI hallways) with doors leading to the specific suites, each of which contains as solution to one specific problem of the same general type that the other doors in that hallway lead to. As you explore each of these hallways you'll begin to understand some new fundamental distinctions that make sense of the toolkit organization you'll find here. 

Don't concern yourself too much with knowing which toolkit hallway where you might find the door that will take you into the right suite for your problem. Most often, you can use the search box to go directly to the suite you want without having to stroll down the different hallways (although I suggest that also).


When I started my life coaching career in April of 1987, I would never have imagined that I would end up inventing a new ethical system. However, doing that became a natural fallout of me learning how to coach my clients to have the best possible life. The HOGAB (the House of Good and Bad) is one way to contrast what I call the Old Ethics of Sacrifice with the New Ethics of Integrity (see the drop-down menu ETHICS).


Another way to think about what the different suites in our Guest House is customized to service you with is what specific problems or symptoms visiting that suite is likely to help you with. This drop-down menu takes you to a hallway with doors to those different suites.


I tend to be a "let me just jump in and find out what I need to know" guy. And I appreciate the value for many of tutorial or a curricula where you learn about the subject in a more orderly, step-by-step manner. This tutorial is my attempt to provide that for those of you who prefer this approach.


A short pop-up list of suites containing videos will appear when you hover over "Videos." However, it's best to click on "Videos" to enter the hallway that provides entry doors into almost all the video suites in our Guest House.


This hallways lead you to a set of doors (not so many yet) where I share different stories from my life and what I learned through those experiences, suggesting how those learnings might server you also.


This hallway leads to doors to suites that provides a more comprehensive explanation (than does the HOGAB menu pop-up) of the New Ethics of Integrity.


I had to have some place to introduce you to a few other suites and hallways that didn't fit naturally into the other categories. Enjoy! Don't miss my favorite: A panoply of poetry by solo me.


Functions found the in foyer


The simplicity of identical foyers

The foyer of every suite/hallway in our Guest House allows easy immediate entry into the same doors to other suites as every other suite has. If you ever get lost, you can always return to the foyer of the suite you're in and start fresh.

I'll cover these as if reading left to right, line by line, from the beginning to the end of the foyer.

First off, I'll mention the three images that "do nothing": The 14:24 Guest House icon at the very first, the " 365/24/7", just to the right of that, and the rolling banner which starts with the words, "Inaugurating The New Ethics of Integrity..." that is center stage.

Drop-down menus: next inline from left to right are the nine drop-downs entitled Home, Toolkits, HOGAB, Problems, Tutorial, Videos, My/Your Life, Ethics, and Sundry. These are thoroughly explained through this door: The Floor Plan. Now back to the left:

New to our Guest House? and Are you LISTENING (to me)?: The first door takes you to a suite where I'll make some suggestions about how to have enjoy exploring the panoply of suites we have available. The second door will take you to a room where I suggest some ways of listening that will help us stay on the same page so that you are best served during your visits here.

The 14:24 Guest House: Open this door to learn about our eagerness to have the most interesting and rewarding experiences every time you come back to visit us.

Language options and The Word Repair Shop: The language options are not robust (for Chinese, Spanish, and Vietnamese) and, given the ease of auto-translate abilities our guests can make use of, this option will be retiring soon. The Word Repair Shop, helping us ensure that our basic tools of communication (words) are precise enough is provide with a special door directly from the foyer.

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