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14m 24s

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Learning from nature
(sex, food, and orgasms)

Survival and reproduction is nature's #1 business
If nature doesn't get survival and reproduction handled, she might as well hang it up. Let's look at how nature, in designing humans (and other mammals), accomplished this.
As far as nature is concerned, the desired result of sex is reproduction: getting those genes of the man and the woman into the next generation. She needed to ensure that we humans were going to have enough sex so that the propagation of their genes was likely to happen. She made men and women attractive to each other. She also designed the process of "mating" utterly delicious. When a man and woman make love, they're not thinking, "We really want to create a baby and we've got to go through this messy, boring process in order to get that result." If nature had relied on that motivation to get men and women to have sex, our species would never have gotten off the ground...or would have died out long ago. Nature focused on making the process both enticing and heavenly.
Commitment (alone) is an unreliable and hard way to support consistent action
If you think some result is important, don't rely on your "commitment." That's the unreliable and hard way to do it. Learn from nature. Find a way(s) to make the process(es) attractive and scrumptious. Use the NNI toolkit to support this approach.
As far as nature is concerned, the desired result of eating food is for the organism to survive and thrive. She needed to ensure that we humans were going to eat enough food so that surviving and thriving was likely to happen. Consequently, she made eating attractive (and not eating unattractive). She made the process of eating satisfying and gratifying. When you are eating, you're not thinking, "I really want to ensure that I survive and thrive and I've got to go through this effortful and time-consuming process to obtain food and eat food in order to get that result." If nature had relied on that motivation to get us to create/find food and to eat it, our species would never have gotten off the ground...or would have died out long ago. Nature focused on making the processes both attractive and scrumptious.
If you have to use "will power," that's a danger signal
How much do you trust someone to be consistent in taking action if they have to rely on their will power to get things done. I would place my bet on that person who loves the processes of their life, almost independent of whether they get the results.
Why do both men and women often reach orgasms (and ejaculation for men) when they make love? Especially for the man, if nature had not designed him to want to take those actions (thrusting deeper and deeper) to move towards orgasm and ejaculation, she would risk missing out on the chance of getting that mother (father) load delivered and passing on his genes. She did not rely on the man thinking and intending, "I really need to ejaculate into this woman so that I have the chance of getting her pregnant and creating a progeny that will become the vessel for my genes to continue on this planet." If nature had relied on that, she would have fucked up. What she did, instead, was to create an ascending process of pleasure and excitement that naturally leads the man down the garden path to orgasm and ejaculation. Good job, nature!
Make it fucking delicious
If you have something that's "important to get done, needs to get done, has to get done," don't rely on those words to carry you through. Take the time, use your creativity, study the NNI toolkit, as an essential part of making the plan to get the result, including in your plan the way(s) that you're going to love the journey of moving towards that result.