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Judgment (cf. Assessment)

This is the assertion/belief that something or someone is good, bad, right, wrong, fair, unfair, deserving, not deserving, virtuous, sinful. Although sometimes these words can be used to denote benefits, costs, possibilities, and risks, most often they are floating abstractions, abstractions that don’t obviously refer to something concrete and specific. These are ungrounded values. As such, they are antithetical to making accurate assessments, especially since they are trying to masquerade as such. If you know that something or someone is “good,” you don’t need to explore what costs and risks it may be incurring. If you are sure that something or someone is “bad,” you don’t need to unearth what benefits and possibilities there might be. As such, righteousness or judgmentalness is self-inflicted blindness.

See Victim.

See also Assessment, Undoing shoulds: assessments, BeCoPoRiNNOO.

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