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14m 24s
We'll get your problem solved one way or the other. Open this door
You will always be okay
"How can you say, 'You'll always be okay? That's hogwash."
"I don't know that. And you don't know that."
I'll even make a stronger assertion
You're okay right now.
You were always okay at every moment in your past.
You will be okay at every moment in your future.
"Where's the proof? What's the evidence?"
Yes, the burden of proof always rests with the person making the assertion. So let's look at these three assertions, one by one and step by step.
First assertion: You're okay right now
Consider only two reasons that would make you think you're not okay right now.
You're concerned and worried that your future won't be okay.
You're thinking about how your past was not okay.
If you're concerned and fearful about the projected possible movie of your future, if you let go of that and notice your condition right now at this moment, you'll know that you're okay right now.
If you're thinking about your distorted memories of your past and how you think it was then that is now not okay with you, then if you let go of those thoughts and just notice your condition right now, you'll know you're okay right now.
You'll have to really do this to know this. You can't just think about the thinking of doing it.
Q.E.D. Therefore, if you notice your condition right now, not the condition you thought you had in the past, not the condition you think you'll have in the future, then you will also know that you are okay right now.
Second assertion: you were always okay at every moment in your past
First proof: If in any of those moments in your past when you thought you were not okay, you had done the Am-I-Okay-Right-Now discovery process, as you just did above, you would have discovered that you were okay right in that past moment. Therefore, you were okay at all moments in your past even though you didn't think so in some of those moments.
Second proof: If you know that you're okay right now, doing the Am-I-Okay-Right-Now process in order to know that, if necessary, then you can think about a time in the past when you didn't think you were okay and now know that you were mistaken then and the truth was that you were okay then.
Q.E.D. Therefore, using either or both of these two proofs, you know now that you were okay in every moment of your past.
Third assertion: you will be okay at every moment in your future
First proof: If in any moment of your future, if you should think that you weren't okay, then you could use the Am-I-Okay-Right-Now discovery process to realize that you were mistaken about that and know instead that you are okay in that future moment.
Second proof: If you know that you're okay right now, doing the Am-I-Okay-Right-Now process in order to know that, if necessary, and you can consider any moment in your future where you might not think you're okay then, you will know now that you will still be okay then even if you mistakenly think then that you are not okay because you hadn't yet done the Am-I-Okay-Right-Now process in that future moment.
Third proof: If you're willing to consider an inductive proof, let's look at the evidence that supports the idea that you will always be okay in your future.
You're okay now.
You were always okay in all the moments of your past even when you mistakenly thought you weren't.
Therefore, assuming all your current and past life experience and history are guides in predicting what will happen in your future life, you can conclude that you will be okay at every moment in your future.
Q.E.D. Therefore, using one or more of these three proofs, you know now that you will be okay at every moment in your future.
Now that you know that okayness is handled for you...
Where does this leave you? Where does this take you? What does this make possible for you? What freedom does it give you? What self-expression does it open up? What works of art could you design, paint, sing, and dance on the tapestry, silence, and stage of your life?
See Power of Now.