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"How to live your life" in 500 words
All about Life in One Lesson: Summary Notes
The inexorable purpose of your life is happiness.
The #1 regret of the dying is, “I wish I had chosen courage to live a life true to myself, rather than the life others expected of me.”
Your #1 life job is to take care of yourself. Other people’s #1 life job is to take care of themselves.
You are the one who is always the final person to assess what is true or not for you and to decide what serves you or not. Even if you choose to believe what another believes or to follow another’s advice, you are 100% responsible for that and the results or consequences that come from that, not them.
Claim all your power by taking 100% responsibility for the quality of your relationships with everyone.
The best relationship with another is one in which your selfishness and their selfishness are symbiotic and both sides are served.
The best relationship with your future and with yourself is where you prioritize choosing courage and enjoying the process and journey over getting any particular result or results. Courage and process first, results second.
All your suffering is caused by [1] resistance to fear: worry, pressure, stress, guilt, and blame [2] attachment to looking good, [3] prioritizing the future over enjoying now or prioritizing enjoying now at the expense of your future, [4] prioritizing others over yourself or sacrificing others for yourself, [5] indulging in expectations that things should be different from the way they are, they were, and they will be, [6] indulging in righteousness: good, bad, right, wrong, should, and should not and [7] resistance to what is. Together all these will make your life seem hard, scary, unfair, boring, meaningless, and inauthentic. Without these, your life will be full of ease, fun, play, adventure, connection, joy, happiness, and self-expression.
Life tools to create and maintain happiness and have the best results and relationships: [1] making friends with your fear: "Holy cats...", [2] choosing courage: four steps, [3] the Now-Next Integrity toolkit, [4] the Oneself-Others Integrity toolkit, [5] the Undoing shoulds tutorial, and [6] re-owning and honoring your inner child.
Essential distinctions: [1] your Now’s job (happiness now), [2] your Next’s job (happiness in the future), [3] Now-Next Integrity (your Now and Next are both happy; no rebellion by Now and no blame by Next) [4] your Oneself’s job (taking care of yourself), [5] your Others’ job (caring for others and looking good), [6] Oneself-Others Integrity (your Oneself and Others are both happy, neither sacrificing for the other) [7] choosing BeCoPoRiNNOO to guide your life (by assessing benefits and costs, possibilities and risks, for Now and for Next, for Oneself and for Others, and [8] my business, your business, and God’s business.
"When you fight with reality, you lose— but only 100% of the time." -Byron Katie
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