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14m 24s

We'll get your problem solved one way or the other. Open this door

Seven ways for Now to be happy
The first way: pleasures from results
Of course, almost always, when something occurs in our life as a result that we wanted or a result we were going for, upon getting that result, then Now feel happy:
We get a raise or promotion
The weather clears and it's a beautiful day
Someone compliments us in a way we were hoping for
We reach our destination from a walk or a ride
We finished washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen
The kids finally fall asleep and we can relax
We notice progress towards a goal
We get the gift we were hoping for under the Christmas tree
We get the news from the doctor that our cancer is in remission
We discover that we have more equity in our house than we thought we did
We finally make a difficult decision and feel relief
We make a good grade on a test
We graduate from the university
We feel a sense of peace and calm that we were looking for
The second way: pleasure from the process
These pleasures may often look like "fourth-way" pleasures. What distinguishes second-way pleasures is that they forward some process designed to lead towards something that Next wants.
Nature has been a master at doing this. Nature wanted us to eat so that we would stay alive and reproduce. So she made eating pleasurable, and not eating to be painful. Nature also wanted us to have sex to reproduce. So she made sex very attractive and pleasurable. Let's learn from the wisdom of nature.
Example: I naturally love the dance of conversation with people associated with making some change they would like to make. Even though it's nice if we're able to make that change, I enjoy the dance of conversation regardless. In the context of coaching my clients the "dance of conversation" is a process pleasure since it is likely to lead me towards the results that both my Next and my Others want in helping my client and getting paid for my services.
Another example: when I was editing my book back in 2002-2003, I was able to enjoy the process of doing that by having a young, attractive Chinese woman sitting beside and listening to me as I was reading out loud to her the essays I had written. In this context, the pleasure I received from having this young woman listen to me and pay attention to me was a process pleasure since it resulted in getting what my Next wanted, which was to get the book finished and published.
Discovering or inventing process pleasures is the most important way to facilitate Now-Next integrity. To create this integrity: When you notice it's missing in a given circumstance, ask the question, "How could my Now enjoy the process that could lead towards what my Next wants?" Use the NNI toolkit to help answer this question.
The third way: pleasures that rub off onto Now from Next's excitement
A third source of happiness for Now is what gets rubbed off when Next is in touch with and excited about some result or possibility for the future. What's often missing is our Next has not gotten clear and specific enough, as well as excited enough, about the results that he or she wants. Once Next gets excited, then that excitement will rub off onto Now. Here are examples:
Now can enjoy planning a future holiday
Now can enjoy exercising while thinking about a toned body it will help me develop
Now can enjoy servicing a client while anticipating how appreciative the client will be when they get what they want
Now can enjoy eating for health while thinking about how she will feel better, look better, and be healthier in her future
Now can enjoy going to the doctor with the anticipation that the doctor will be able to resolve a health issue
Now can enjoy organizing a messy room when thinking about how good it's going to look when it's fully organized
Now can enjoy working on a deadline project with his work team while musing about the great celebration and possible promotion that will happen when it's complete
The fourth way: pleasures gratia pleasure
The fourth way for Now and near Now to be satisfied, assuming Next does not make her feel guilty, does not require any intention or desire for her future to be different. These methods generate pleasure or the reduction of pain in the moment, independent of any anticipated future benefit.
Pleasures for the sake of pleasure.
These include but are not limited by...and will vary somewhat from person to person:
watching movies and TV series
reading novels
getting that rush from coffee or modafinil
playing with your mobile phone
surfing the Internet
sleeping or dozing
being with or playing with your cat or dog
being with someone you find attractive
getting attention from another or others
conversation and connection
gossip and sharing secrets
feeling camaraderie with others
watching children playing
playing a game with yourself or others
massage and being touched
good conversation
feeling curiosity
feeling creative
feeling safe and secure
feeling liked or loved or admired
feeling accepted
feeling respected
feeling a sense of belonging
feeling loved by God
feeling powerful
feeling another sees you as powerful
feeling peaceful and serene
feeling intimacy
feeling listened to and understood
enjoying nature
feeling of oneness with everything
watching pornography
feeling hungry for something or someone
using pain killers
going to the toilet
using feel-good drugs
feeling physically comfortable
sleeping or dozing
See Gratitude Now.
The fifth way: pleasures of wearing glasses
The glasses we wear, the stories we live inside of, the interpretations that we make about ourselves and the world...these will support the creation of either pleasure or pain. The following are some of the glasses that we can practice wearing that will support pleasure. The glasses of:
serenity and peace
The sixth way: pleasures from being present now
Much pleasure is always with us. It is just drowned out by the noise of living in a resisted future, our mind living in a future of projected danger or pain. This pleasure is drowned out by our being dominated by a mind movie that plays automatically about what our future may or may not be like.
Return yourself to now. Let go of your mind movies of your past. Imagine that you're unaware of any future. Focus and become present to only what is now:
the pace and depth of your breathing
the sensations in the middle finger of your right hand
the colors and textures of the objects around you
the sounds as they soothe into your brain
the texture of the clothing against your skin
the wetness or dryness in your mouth
your automatic thoughts as they ebb and flow from one thing to another
Notice that now is always okay. Every now that you ever worried about in the past, before it became a now, always ended up being okay. Bring yourself present to the okayness of now and the pleasure of being with now.
Even in cases in which you have sensations of pain, if you let go of your resistance to that pain and your projections that it will continue into your future, then the current pain will have an okayness about it that it would not normally have.
See Power of Now.
The seventh way: the pleasures of doing nothing
Check out undoing something.
An eighth way?
I am exploring an eighth possible way. Its effects are profound and I am unsure of how it will affect the relationship between Now and Next, as well as Oneself and Others.
This approach is so fundamental and radical because in one stroke it seems to change both everything and nothing by revolutionizing our relationship to what we live inside of regarding time.
The "normal" way is that you live inside of the ephemerality of now. Now is always passing you by. This now, the next now, now1, now2, now3, now4... The nows never stop...they form an endless procession of coming in the front door and leaving immediately out the back door.
The extraordinary way is that you live inside of the eternity of now. Time seems to stop or disappear, since there is only now, even though things still move and change. Whoever you were in the "normal" way will either no longer exist or will feel existentially threatened. The "new you" will be the you that you always were but had forgotten that you were when you lived inside the ephemerality of now. This you goes nowhere and has existed eternally. By comparison, the life inside the eternity of now will occur as exponentially more real than the life inside the ephemerality of now.
I am investigating, "How to shift back and forth between the ephemerality of now and the eternity of now?"
Become facile in using all seven ways to help create Now-Next integrity
All ways are important approaches for Now to be happy and satisfied. Most motivational gurus put an overemphasis on using the third method, anticipated results, to motivate themselves and others, handicapping their ability to create motivation and happiness because of their neglect of the other six ways, especially the neglect of the second method, process pleasures.
Make use of all these ways to create satisfaction for Now and, at the same time, serve Next.